Terms offered: Fall 2020
Introduction to materials, means, methods and vocabulary of construction and sustainable building systems. Structural materials, building envelope, costs, labor conditions, conventional practices, and key regulatory factors shaping project design. Practical understanding of reading construction drawings, construction sequencing, building materials, building systems, building code and legal documents. Relationship between feasibility, budget, design, function and risk.
Construction and Development Project Management: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of laboratory per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Construction and Development Project Management: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Fall 2020
Equitable and inclusive approaches to real estate development. Historical perspective of racial injustice in low-income communities of color, including gentrification and displacement. How real estate development can either ameliorate or exacerbate inequality and injustice in relation to race, class, ethnicity, and gender. Best practices and innovative new tools and strategies to ensure the benefits of new development are broadly shared with communities.
Equitable + Inclusive Development: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 5 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Summer: 8 weeks - 2 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
This course interrogates how development forces produce our streets, neighborhoods, towns, cities and metropolitan regions. It is focused on a critical understanding of development practices and their impact on urban form as well as the social, economic, cultural and environmental nature of cities, exploring these topics through a review of selected Case Studies. The course includes invited presentations from development, design, and planning industry professionals. This course will investigate how Development, Architecture and Urbanism are intertwined, contending that cities are our most sustainable resource, holding the key to our social, economic, and culturally equitable future, as well as our planet’s environmental stewardship.
Integrated Development, Architecture + Urbanism for Real Estate: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Summer: 12 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Integrated Development, Architecture + Urbanism for Real Estate: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Fall 2020
This course teaches students the fundamentals of real estate development finance and economics. Grounded in an understanding of urban economics in large cities, the class will examine the factors in national, regional and local real estate markets that determine development needs and opportunities. Financial analysis skills and analytical processes will be developed for evaluating private and public sector development and investment sources employed across all major property classes and land uses. The class will discuss aspects of financial feasibility throughout the scope of the development process from market and predevelopment analysis and site selection to lease-up or sales of the final product.
Real Estate Economics + Market Analysis: Read More [+]
Objectives & Outcomes
Course Objectives: Acquire an understanding of the economic and market impacts of different real estate development product types
Develop critical financial analysis skills and knowledge to evaluate real estate development markets and opportunities
Gain financial knowledge and principles which support sustainable and more equitable real estate development
Understand how urban economics and investment markets impact urban land and real estate development production and viability
Hours & Format
Summer: 12 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
This course is designed to facilitate a mastery of financial modeling (pro forma) skills required of real
estate developers through a hands-on approach using Microsoft Excel. It is designed to develop students’
ability to think critically about how real estate value is created and develop analytical tools used to derive
it. Active participation in class is a must, as the sessions are designed to be collaborative. Students will
review reading materials in advance and be expected to come prepared to build pro formas in real time.
Real Estate Financial Modeling: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 8 weeks - 2 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2018
Fundamentals of real estate development finance. Financial analysis skills and analytical tools for evaluating private and public development and investment in real estate, over all product types. Site selection, market analysis, financial feasibility, design and legal considerations, construction, lease-up, operations, and property sales. Decision-making scenarios to evaluate and assess development concepts and project viability. Funding sources for market rate and affordable development.
Foundation Principles for Real Estate Development + Finance: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Summer: 12 weeks - 4 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of laboratory per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Foundation Principles for Real Estate Development + Finance: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
This course is designed to facilitate a mastery of core finance and valuation skills required of real estate developers through a practical approach using real world examples / case studies. It is designed to develop students’ ability to think critically about how real estate value is created and develop analytical tools used to derive it. The primary emphasis in the course is on the acquisition, development, financing, and repositioning of real estate projects. Active participation in class is a must. Students will review case materials in advance and students will be expect to come prepared to discuss their understanding of value.
Applications in Real Estate Finance: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Not yet offered
This course seeks to acquaint the student with the structure, instruments, and institutions of real estate
capital markets. In so doing, the course considers the linkages between real estate and general capital
markets. The course also reviews the major features of both residential and non-residential primary and
secondary mortgage markets, including the structure and performance of residential and commercial
mortgage-backed securities, and exposes students to public sources of real estate equity finance,
including real estate investment trusts (REITs). Finally, the course examines recent developments in
global real estate capital markets.
Real Estate Capital Markets: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Spring 2020
Fundamental practices in private, public, and non-profit real estate development. Perspectives of project managers, investment specialists, bankers and lawyers, architects, planners, contractors and property managers representing companies from around the Bay Area following the life cycle/sequence of a real estate project. Approaches to understanding and incorporating community perspectives. Familiarity with professional work products, contracts, schedules and documents handled or produced by practitioners on a daily basis as course materials.
Professional Practice of Real Estate Development: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Summer: 8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Professional Practice of Real Estate Development: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Spring 2021
An advanced course in implementation of land use and environmental laws and regulatory controls. The theory, practice and impacts of zoning, growth management, development systems, and other techniques of land use control. Objective is to acquaint student with a range of regulatory techniques, related economic considerations, and the legal, administrative-political equity aspects of their implementation.
Land Development Law and Regulations: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
This course is aimed at real estate development students to gain an understanding of the need and
urgency of incorporating sustainable practices into real estate projects, and to understanding how best to
do so in an economical way. The course will be structured around seven major concepts as defined below:
1. Why Green Real Estate Development Makes Sense.
2. Government Regulations
3. Green Development Strategies
4. Green Design Considerations
5. Cost / Benefits Modeling
6. Certification Programs
7. Pre-Occupancy & Post Occupancy Considerations
Sustainable Real Estate Development: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Spring 2020
This course will involve a real world site to provide students with the experience and skills necessary to synthesize real estate development + design projects. As developers and designers, students need to understand: the development process, program, how development teams work, what makes good design and how it adds value, and how to propose a feasible, innovative project from multiple constraints. Students will learn how to gather and evaluate market, construction, and environmental data to inform design choices; evaluate the physical, market, and public policy constraints of a given site; apply best practices of redevelopment; advance innovative design solutions, and communicate their development proposal to a professional audience.
Development + Design Studio: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 8 hours of studio per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
The course will include discussions of various approaches to resilience and engage
multi-disciplinary experts who bring resilience into their research or professional work at multiple scales: building, district, city, and region. Major infrastructure system investments and equitable community co-benefits are also key topics as they impact the physical and financial requirements for site design and development. We will examine new approaches to urban design, equity, insurance, and policy that can be applied to students’ parallel design projects.
Equitable + Resilient Development: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture per week
Summer: 12 weeks - 2.5 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Spring 2020
In this course you will conduct an original investigation in order to acquire new knowledge within a framework set by a client in practice. The primary goal of this research class is to deepen your personal understanding of a particular topic or issue in real estate development. A key secondary goal is to help address a practical aim or objective of your client.
Capstone Project: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture per week
Summer: 8 weeks - 4 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Prior to 2007
This course in intended to assist students in defining their independent capstone research project, including
the core research question(s), appropriate sources, methods, and scope, with a goal of producing
a comprehensive Capstone Proposal by the end of the course (mid-semester). Given the short time frame available for Capstone during the Summer Semester, this course is designed to prepare students to embark directly on the research and summary phases of their projects at the conclusion of this course. Through lectures, assigned readings, meetings with the Instructor, much self-guided research, and the completion of three benchmark assignments this Semester, students will develop their Capstone research question and argument.
Capstone Preparation: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 8 weeks - 2 hours of seminar per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only.
Terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2020
Course examines current problems and issues in the field of real estate development + design. Topics may vary from year to year and will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
Special Topics in Real Estate Development + Design: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes. Students may enroll in multiple sections of this course within the same semester.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-5 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Special Topics in Real Estate Development + Design: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
Internships are off-campus experiential learning activities designed to provide students with opportunities to make connections between the theory and practice of academic study and the practical application of that study in a professional work environment. Internships offer the opportunity to experience a career while gaining relevant skills and professional connections. Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site supervisor and a faculty sponsor, who in combination with the student will create a framework for learning and reflection. For-credit internships are open only to students who have completed at least 9 course credits, and have a GPA of at least 3.0.
Internship in Real Estate Development + Design: Read More [+]
Objectives & Outcomes
Course Objectives: An understanding of how real estate development and design coursework ties to professional careers of interest
Develop professional connections and identify a strategy for maintaining those connections
Gain insight into a possible career path of interest while learning about the industry in which the organization resides, organizational structure, and roles and responsibilities within that structure.
Student Learning Outcomes: Ability to articulate what was learned and how it will be apply to your professional career goals
Identification of additional skills that will need to be developed to ensure career readiness. This might include learning a new technology, developing a broader network, additional coursework, etc.
Identification of professions that may be of interest as a result of this experience
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 1) Students must have successfully completed RDEV core classes in the summer and be in good academic standing. 2) Students must have an approved internship application by the Executive Director of the MRED+D program
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit with advisor consent.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2-8 hours of internship per week
Summer: 12 weeks - 3-9 hours of internship per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Real Estate Development + Design/Graduate
Grading: Offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade only.
Internship in Real Estate Development + Design: Read Less [-]