The course catalog below includes all courses currently approved to be taught at UC Berkeley.
Please Note: Only a subset of courses that appear are offered each semester. To see a list of course offerings for a current or future term, please see the Class Schedule.
- Aerospace Engineering (AERO ENG)
- Aerospace Studies (AEROSPC)
- African American Studies (AFRICAM)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics (A,RESEC)
- American Studies (AMERSTD)
- Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS)
- Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA)
- Anthropology (ANTHRO)
- Applied Science and Technology (AST)
- Arabic (ARABIC)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Armenian (ARMENI)
- Art, History of (HISTART)
- Art Practice (ART)
- Arts and Humanities (HUM)
- Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies (ASAMST)
- Asian Studies (ASIANST)
- Astronomy (ASTRON)
- Bengali (BANGLA)
- Bioengineering (BIO ENG)
- Biology (BIOLOGY)
- Biophysics (BIOPHY)
- Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (BOSCRSR)
- Buddhist Studies (BUDDSTD)
- Bulgarian (BULGARI)
- Burmese (BURMESE)
- Business Administration, Evening/Weekend Masters (EWMBA)
- Business Administration, Executive Master (XMBA)
- Business Administration, Master (MBA)
- Business Administration, PhD (PHDBA)
- Business Administration, Undergraduate (UGBA)
- CalTeach (EDSTEM)
- Catalan (CATALAN)
- Celtic Studies (CELTIC)
- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (CHM ENG)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies (CHICANO)
- Chinese (CHINESE)
- City and Regional Planning (CY PLAN)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENG)
- Classics (CLASSIC)
- Cognitive Science (COG SCI)
- College Writing Programs (COLWRIT)
- Comparative Biochemistry (COMPBIO)
- Comparative Literature (COM LIT)
- Computational Biology (CMPBIO)
- Computational Precision Health (CPH)
- Computational Social Sciences (COMPSS)
- Computer Science (COMPSCI)
- Creative Writing (CRWRIT)
- Critical Theory Graduate Group (CRIT TH)
- Cuneiform (CUNEIF)
- Cybersecurity (CYBER)
- Czech (CZECH)
- Danish (DANISH)
- Data Science (DATASCI)
- Data Science, Undergraduate (DATA)
- Demography (DEMOG)
- Design Innovation (DES INV)
- Development Engineering (DEV ENG)
- Development Practice (DEVP)
- Development Studies (DEV STD)
- Digital Humanities (DIGHUM)
- Dutch (DUTCH)
- Earth and Planetary Science (EPS)
- East Asian Languages and Cultures (EA LANG)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education (EDUC)
- Egyptian (EGYPT)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)
- Electrical Engineering (EL ENG)
- Energy and Resources Group (ENE,RES)
- Engineering (ENGIN)
- English (ENGLISH)
- Environmental Design (ENV DES)
- Environmental Economics and Policy (ENVECON)
- Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM)
- Environmental Sciences (ENV SCI)
- Ethnic Studies (ETH STD)
- European Studies (EUST)
- Fall Program for First Semester (X)
- Filipino (FILIPN)
- Film and Media (FILM)
- Financial Engineering (MFE)
- Finnish (FINNISH)
- Folklore (FOLKLOR)
- French (FRENCH)
- Gender and Women's Studies (GWS)
- Geography (GEOG)
- German (GERMAN)
- Global Metropolitan Studies (GMS)
- Global Poverty and Practice (GPP)
- Global Studies (GLOBAL)
- Graduate Student Professional Development Program (GSPDP)
- Greek (GREEK)
- Health and Medical Sciences (HMEDSCI)
- Hebrew (HEBREW)
- Hindi (HINDI)
- History (HISTORY)
- Hungarian (HUNGARI)
- Icelandic (ICELAND)
- Indonesian (INDONES)
- Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG)
- Information (INFO)
- Integrative Biology (INTEGBI)
- Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major (ISF)
- International and Area Studies (IAS)
- Iranian (IRANIAN)
- Italian Studies (ITALIAN)
- Landscape Architecture (LD ARCH)
- Language Proficiency Program (LAN PRO)
- Latin American Studies (LATAMST)
- Latin (LATIN)
- Law (LAW)
- Legal Studies (LEGALST)
- Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies (LGBT)
- Letters and Science (L&S)
- Linguistics (LINGUIS)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MAT SCI)
- Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechanical Engineering (MEC ENG)
- Media Studies (MEDIAST)
- Medieval Studies (MED ST)
- Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (MELC)
- Middle Eastern Studies (M E STU)
- Military Affairs (MIL AFF)
- Military Science (MIL SCI)
- Molecular and Cell Biology (MCELLBI)
- Mongolian (MONGOLN)
- Music (MUSIC)
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE)
- Native American Studies (NATAMST)
- Natural Resources (NAT RES)
- Naval Science (NAV SCI)
- Neuroscience (NEU)
- Neuroscience (NEUROSC)
- New Media (NWMEDIA)
- Norwegian (NORWEGN)
- Nuclear Engineering (NUC ENG)
- Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology (NUSCTX)
- Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS)
- Persian (PERSIAN)
- Philosophy (PHILOS)
- Physical Education (PHYS ED)
- Physics (PHYSICS)
- Plant and Microbial Biology (PLANTBI)
- Polish (POLISH)
- Political Economy (POLECON)
- Political Science (POL SCI)
- Portuguese (PORTUG)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Public Affairs (PUB AFF)
- Public Health (PB HLTH)
- Public Policy (PUB POL)
- Punjabi (PUNJABI)
- Sanskrit (SANSKR)
- Scandinavian (SCANDIN)
- Science and Mathematics Education (SCMATHE)
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Semitics (SEMITIC)
- Slavic Languages and Literatures (SLAVIC)
- Social Welfare (SOC WEL)
- Sociology (SOCIOL)
- South and Southeast Asian Studies (SSEASN)
- South Asian Studies (SASIAN)
- Southeast Asian Studies (SEASIAN)
- Spanish (SPANISH)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Study of Religion (STRELIG)
- Swedish (SWEDISH)
- Tamil (TAMIL)
- Telugu (TELUGU)
- Thai (THAI)
- Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies (THEATER)
- Tibetan (TIBETAN)
- Turkish (TURKISH)