Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
Elements of Sanskrit grammar and practice in reading Sanskrit texts.
Elementary Sanskrit: Read More [+]
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Undergraduate
Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.
Instructor: S. Goldman
Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022
Elements of Sanskrit grammar and practice in reading Sanskrit texts.
Elementary Sanskrit: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Completion of SANSKR 100A or equivalent
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Undergraduate
Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.
Instructor: S. Goldman
Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
Introduces students to the itihasa/puraic traditions and related commentarial style of Sanskrit. An extended passage from Valmiki's Ramayaada, Vyasa's Mahabharata, or one of the Mahapuradas is normally read with commentary, if available. The development of strong reading skills is the focus of the class. Additionally, students are introduced to the use of hard copy and web-based resources. Grammar is reviewed and explained as needed. Students are also introduced to the current scholarship on epic literature. Students are expected to memorize at least one verse per class for recitation. Emphasis is placed on correct prosody and pronunciation. Submission of an annotated translation project, assigned in class, is required.
Intermediate Sanskrit: Epic and Puracic Sanskrit: Read More [+]
Objectives & Outcomes
Course Objectives: Course content changes every semester and may be repeated for credit. Reading of texts in the original language. Students are expected to prepare readings for translation in class. Mastering of grammar and genre-specific style is emphasized. Additionally students skills in writing, listening, and speaking of Sanskrit are further developed.
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 100B. 101B may be taken before 101A with consent of instructor
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 4.5 hours of lecture per week
6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture per week
8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Undergraduate
Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.
Instructor: S. Goldman
Intermediate Sanskrit: Epic and Puracic Sanskrit: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2021
Introduces students to Sanskrit sastra and related commentary. Reading selections are generally taken from either the grammatical (vyakaraada), literary critical )alakarasatra) or the philosophical (darsana) tradition, including such works as Mahabhaya, Tarkasagraha, Kavyadarsa, etc. Reading skills and familiarity with resources - hard copy and web-based - as well as current trends and scholarship in the relevant areas are emphasized. Grammar is reviewed and explained as needed. Students are expected to memorize at least one verse per class. Emphasis is placed on correct prosody and pronunciation. Submission of an annotated translation or similar project, assigned in class, is required.
Intermediate Sanskrit: Sastraic (Scientific) Sanskrit: Read More [+]
Objectives & Outcomes
Course Objectives: Course content changes every semester and may be repeated for credit. Intensive language instruction - reading of texts in the original language. Students are expected to prepare readings for translation in class. Mastering of grammar and genre-specific style is emphasized. Additionally students' skills in writing, listening, and speaking of Sanskrit are further developed.
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 100B. 101B may be taken before 101A with consent of instructor
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 4.5 hours of lecture per week
6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture per week
8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Undergraduate
Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.
Instructor: S. Goldman
Intermediate Sanskrit: Sastraic (Scientific) Sanskrit: Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Spring 2022, Fall 2020, Spring 2019
Introduces students to classical literary Sanskrit (sahitya) and commentary, where available. An extended passage of a kavya and/or an entire plat (naaka) is read, Works of Kalidasa, Bhasa, and the like are normally read. Developing strong reading skills is the focus of the class. Students develop skills to use hard copy and web-based resources. Grammar is reviewed and explained as needed. Students are also introduced to current scholarship and trends in literary analysis. Students are expected to memorize at least one verse per class. Emphasis is placed on correct prosody and pronunciation. Submission of an annotated translation project, assigned in class, is required. Course content changes every semester and may be repeated for credit.
Intermediate Sanskrit: Sahitya (Literary Sanskrit): Read More [+]
Objectives & Outcomes
Course Objectives: Intensive language instruction - reading of texts in the original language. Students are expected to prepare readings for translation in class. Mastering of grammar and genre-specific style is emphasized. Additionally students' skills in writing, listening, and speaking of Sanskrit are further developed.
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Sanskrit 100AB or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 4.5 hours of lecture per week
6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture per week
8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Undergraduate
Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.
Instructor: S. Goldman
Intermediate Sanskrit: Sahitya (Literary Sanskrit): Read Less [-]
Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2021
Advanced readings in Sanskrit literature, including Sanskrit ornate poetry with emphasis on the canons of poetic analysis of the Indian aesthetic tradition.
Sanskrit Literature: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 101B or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Instructor: R.P. Goldman
Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
Advanced readings in Sanskrit literature, including Sanskrit ornate poetry with emphasis on the canons of poetic analysis of the Indian aesthetic tradition.
Sanskrit Literature: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 101B or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Instructor: R.P. Goldman
Terms offered: Fall 2009, Fall 2000, Spring 1999
Readings from the and other Vedic texts, including and . Knowledge of German and/or French is recommended.
Vedic Sanskrit: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 101B or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2008
Introduction to Middle Indic. An intensive study of texts in one or more of the Prakrit dialects, Pali, or Apabhramsa.
Middle Indic: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: 101B or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.
Terms offered: Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Fall 2009
Reading of a Sanskrit philosophical, logical, or grammatical text, with attention to philosophical, logical, or grammatical features. Text to be chosen in consultation with students.
Sanskrit Philosophical Texts: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Two years of Sanskrit or equivalent
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar and 1 hour of discussion per week
Additional Details
Subject/Course Level: Sanskrit/Graduate
Grading: Letter grade.