Ancient Greek and Roman Studies

University of California, Berkeley


The Department of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (DAGRS) at UC Berkeley is a leading center for studying Greco-Roman antiquity, offering excellent undergraduate and graduate education in language, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and archaeology. It is the intellectual home of a distinguished faculty, superb graduate students, and an extraordinarily talented and diverse group of undergraduates. Our community is also enriched by visiting scholars, including the annual Jane K. Sather Professor of Classical Literature.

The mission of the department has four major components:

  1. To give students across the University access to the literature, history, archaeology, mythology, and philosophy of the ancient Greek and Roman world through an array of undergraduate courses; in these courses, students access ancient writings through English translations. These courses introduce students to significant texts, artifacts, and ideas of the ancient world and put these into their broader historical context. Such a study deepens students' understanding of present-day issues by inculcating a sense of historical perspective that takes account of both the differences and the continuities between contemporary and ancient cultures. The department also provides instruction in Greek and Latin, from the beginning to the advanced levels, to undergraduate and graduate students.
  2. To enable undergraduates to immerse themselves in the language and culture of ancient Greece and Rome through its majors in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations, Greek and Latin, and Greek or Latin. These majors equip students with the knowledge and analytical skills they can apply in many areas (e.g., law, politics, business, biosciences, computer science, and media). Our undergraduate programs also provide essential preparation for graduate study in Classics, Archaeology, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, and other fields.
  3. To train and mentor future scholars and teachers through its top-rated graduate programs in Classics and Classical Archaeology. The Ph.D. program in Classics combines intensive linguistic training in Greek and Latin with wide-ranging intellectual exploration (including literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, and linguistics). The program in Classical Archaeology comprises the study of the material culture of Ancient Greek, Roman, and related cultures (e.g., Aegean, Etruscan, Punic). The study of material culture teaches students to understand the nature and development of these cultures, drawing on evidence provided by ancient texts, settlement data, architectural remains, craft goods, art objects, and environmental materials.
  4. Through faculty appointments, the department seeks the breadth and excellence that can sustain these three goals. The department encourages individual and collaborative faculty research, intellectual engagement with students at all levels, and effective participation in the administrative and advisory work of the department, the College of Letters and Science, the Academic Senate, the campus, and the whole university.

The Department of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (DAGRS) encourages faculty participation in other programs and cooperation with other departments. It includes several faculty with joint appointments, and it enjoys strong connections with: Art History, Comparative Literature, History, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Rhetoric, Theater, Dance & Performance Studies, the Graduate Group in Ancient History & Mediterranean Archaeology, and the Graduate Theological Union. On-campus, Classics faculty direct the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, the Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy, and the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri and are actively involved with the Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion, the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology, and the Archaeological Research Facility.

Undergraduate Programs

Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations: BA, Minor
Greek and Latin: BA
Greek: BA, Minor
Latin: BA, Minor

Graduate Programs

Classics: PhD
Classical Archaeology: PhD

Visit Department Website


Literature and Culture:


Graduate Courses:

Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (formerly Classics)





Contact Information

Department of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies

7233 Dwinelle Hall

Phone: 510-642-4218

Fax: 510-643-2959

Visit Department Website

Head Graduate Advisor, Classics


Head Graduate Advisor, Classical Archaeology

Kim Shelton

Graduate Services Advisor

Kristen Brooks

3411 Dwinelle Hall

Phone: (510) 642-4219

Faculty UG Advisors

Faculty UG Advisors

Student Services Advisor

Cassandra Dunn

7233 Dwinelle Hall

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