Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

University of California, Berkeley


The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) educates students to become highly skilled in the quantitative modeling and analysis of a broad array of systems-level decision problems, such as:

  • Economic efficiency, productivity, and quality
  • The collection and analysis of data using a database and decision-support tools; the comprehensive modeling of uncertainty
  • The development and creative use of analytical and computational methods for solving these problems

Students obtain the broader skills, background, and knowledge necessary to be effective professionals in a rapidly-changing global economy. The department's mission includes creating knowledge that advances the state of the art in optimization, stochastic modeling and simulation, and the application of these tools to important societal systems.

IEOR students and faculty members are actively engaged in a variety of research projects that have made and continue to make important contributions to both the theory and practice of operations research and industrial engineering. Some of the research areas represented in the IEOR department are the analysis of algorithms, automation and robotics, combinatorics and integer programming, convex optimization, financial engineering, inventory theory, risk analysis, robust optimization, queueing theory, supply chain management, scheduling, and simulation.

Undergraduate Programs

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research: BS (offered through the College of Engineering), Minor
Operations Research and Management Science: BA (offered through the College of Letters and Science)

Graduate Programs

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research: MSA, MEng, MS, and PhD

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Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Contact Information

Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

4141 Etcheverry Hall

Phone: 510-642-5484

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Department Chair

Alper Atamturk

423 Sutardja Dai Hall

Phone: 510-642-4559

Head Undergraduate Faculty Advisor

Anil Aswani

4119 Etcheverry Hall

Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer

Ginnie Sadil

4137 Etcheverry

Phone: 510-642-5485

Head Graduate Advisor, IEOR MS & PhD

Rhonda Righter

4187 Etcheverry Hall

Head Graduate Advisor, IEOR MEng

Ilan Adler

4183 Etcheverry Hall

IEOR Graduate Student Services

Heather Iwata and Erica Diffenderfer

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