The Medieval Studies Program is an interdisciplinary group that coordinates and sponsors lectures, events, and visiting professorships; promotes scholarly interests common to medievalists of different academic departments; and communicates information of interest among them. The Committee on Medieval Studies offers a concurrent PhD program in which candidates have both a home department and training in the core disciplines of medieval studies. The program also offers an undergraduate minor.
Terms offered: Spring 2010, Spring 2009, Spring 2008
Normally three hours of lecture per week for fifteen weeks. In the event that the instructor is in residence for fewer than fifteen weeks, the course may be offered for either 2 or 3 units of credit, in proportion to the number of actual contact hours. Course may be repeated for credit. Normally taught by the Visiting Distinguished Professor of Medieval Studies. An interdisciplinary exploration of Medieval culture, focusing on an area of the instructor's expertise. Specific topic varies with instructor. Studies in Medieval Culture: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 6 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 7.5-10 hours of lecture per week 7.5 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week 8 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 4-8 hours of lecture per week 15 weeks - 2-4 hours of lecture per week
Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
The gradute proseminar. Basic materials and resources in fields represented in the Medieval Studies program, and in some subjects involving expertise in more than one discipline (e.g., liturgy, codicology). Emphasis on methods of interdisciplinary research, research tools, and critical evaluation of their use. Introduction to Research Materials and Methods: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week
Terms offered: Fall 2012, Fall 2007, Fall 1998
This course explores the use of medieval manuscripts as primary sources for contemporary scholarship and as evidence of book culture in the medieval West. Medieval Manuscripts as Primary Sources: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week
Terms offered: Spring 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2016
Instruction in Medieval Latin paleography and/or the paleography of one or more of the medieval vernacular languages of Western Europe, emphasizing the evolution of scripts as well as practice in reading them. Ancillary instruction in the principles of codicology with attention to the process of text-making and book manufacture. Paleography and Codicology: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor required
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week
Terms offered: Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2010
Taught by the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Medieval Studies on a topic related to his or her specialty. In the event that the instructor is in residence for fewer than 15 weeks, the course will be offered for either 2 or 3 units of credit, in proportion to the number of actual contact hours. Seminar in Medieval Culture: Read More [+]
Rules & Requirements
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
Credit Restrictions: Course may be taken for less than 4 units on a <satisfactory/unsatisfactory> basis with consent of instructor.
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Hours & Format
Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week
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