Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences offers three graduate programs in Electrical Engineering: the Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the Master of Science (MS), and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Master of Engineering (MEng)

The Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, first offered by the EECS Department in the 2011-2012 academic year, is a professional master’s with a larger tuition than our other programs and is for students who plan to join the engineering profession immediately following graduation. This accelerated program is designed to train professional engineering leaders who understand the technical, economic, and social issues around technology. The interdisciplinary experience spans one academic year and includes three major components: (1) an area of technical concentration, (2) courses in leadership skills, and (3) a rigorous capstone project experience. 

Master of Science (MS)

The Master of Science (MS) emphasizes research preparation and experience and, for most students, provides an opportunity to lay the groundwork for pursuing a PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Berkeley PhD in EECS combines coursework and original research with some of the finest EECS faculty in the US, allowing students to prepare for careers in academia or industry. Our alumni have gone on to hold amazing positions around the world.

Visit Department Website


Admission to the University

Applying for Graduate Admission

Thank you for considering UC Berkeley for graduate study! UC Berkeley offers more than 120 graduate programs representing the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary scholarship. The Graduate Division hosts a complete list of graduate academic programs, departments, degrees offered, and application deadlines can be found on the Graduate Division website.

Prospective students must submit an online application to be considered for admission, in addition to any supplemental materials specific to the program for which they are applying. The online application and steps to take to apply can be found on the Graduate Division website.

Admission Requirements

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

  1. A bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution;

  2. A satisfactory scholastic average, usually a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale; and

  3. Enough undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field.

For a list of requirements to complete your graduate application, please see the Graduate Division’s Admissions Requirements page. It is also important to check with the program or department of interest, as they may have additional requirements specific to their program of study and degree. Department contact information can be found here.

Where to apply?

Visit the Berkeley Graduate Division application page.

Admission to the MS/PhD Program

The following items are required for admission to the Berkeley EECS MS/PhD program in addition to the University’s general graduate admission requirements:

  1. Statement of Purpose: Why are you applying to this program? What do you hope to accomplish during this degree program? What do you want to do afterwards, and how will this degree help you to achieve your goals?
  2. Personal History Statement: What past experiences made you decide to go into this field? How will your personal history help you succeed in this program and reach your future goals?
  3. GPA: If you attended a university outside of the USA, please leave the GPA section blank.
  4. Resume: Please also include a full resume/CV listing your experience and education.

Complete the online UC Berkeley graduate application:

  1. Start your application through this link and fill in each relevant page.
  2. Upload the materials above, and send the recommender links several weeks prior to the application deadline to give your recommenders time to submit their letters.

Doctoral Degree Requirements

Normative Time Requirements

Total Normative Time

Normative time in the EECS department is between 5.5-6 years for the doctoral program.

Time to Advancement


The faculty of the College of Engineering recommends a minimum number of courses taken while in graduate standing. The total minimum is 24 units of coursework, taken for a letter grade and not including courses numbered 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 375 and 602. 

Approved study list per student’s research interests to include:
12 200-level units in one major field within EECS, with a 3.5 GPA
6 100 or 200-level units in one minor field within EECS, with a 3.0 GPA and at least one 200-level course
Students can choose between Plan 1 or Plan 2. Plan 1 (Outside Minor) - a total of at least six units; at least one graduate level course from a field outside EECS; minimum 3.0 grade point average; Plan 2 (Electives) - two courses consisting of one free elective course from any department, any area except for the major, and one outside EECS course that is not in the major and not listed as EECS; at least 3+ units each; minimum 3.0 grade point average. Note: students who began the Ph.D. program in Fall 2021 onwards must follow Plan 2.
Possible courses include:
Major area:
EL ENG 210Applied Electromagnetic Theory3
EL ENG 213APower Electronics4
EL ENG C213X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation3
EL ENG 218AIntroduction to Optical Engineering4
EL ENG 219ACourse Not Available4
EL ENG 219BLogic Synthesis4
EL ENG C220AAdvanced Control Systems I3
EL ENG C220BExperiential Advanced Control Design I3
EL ENG C220CExperiential Advanced Control Design II3
EL ENG C220DInput/Output Methods for Compositional System Analysis2
EL ENG 221ALinear System Theory4
EL ENG 222Nonlinear Systems--Analysis, Stability and Control3
EL ENG C222Nonlinear Systems3
EL ENG 223Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control3
EL ENG 224ADigital Communications4
EL ENG 224BFundamentals of Wireless Communication3
EL ENG 225DAudio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines3
EL ENG C225EPrinciples of Magnetic Resonance Imaging4
EL ENG 226ARandom Processes in Systems4
EL ENG 226BApplications of Stochastic Process Theory2
EL ENG 227BTConvex Optimization4
EL ENG C227CConvex Optimization and Approximation3
EL ENG C227TIntroduction to Convex Optimization4
EL ENG 228AHigh Speed Communications Networks3
EL ENG 229AInformation Theory and Coding3
EL ENG 229BError Control Coding3
EL ENG 230AIntegrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG 230BSolid State Devices4
EL ENG 230CSolid State Electronics3
EL ENG W230AIntegrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG W230BSolid State Devices4
EL ENG 232Lightwave Devices4
EL ENG C235Nanoscale Fabrication4
EL ENG 236AQuantum and Optical Electronics3
EL ENG C239Partially Ionized Plasmas3
EL ENG 240AAnalog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240BAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240CAnalysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W240AAnalog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG W240BAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W240CAnalysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG 241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W241AIntroduction to Digital Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG W241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG 242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG 242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG W242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG W242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG 243Advanced IC Processing and Layout3
EL ENG 244Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG W244Fundamental Algorithms for System Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG C246Parametric and Optimal Design of MEMS3
EL ENG 247AIntroduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)3
EL ENG C247BIntroduction to MEMS Design4
EL ENG W247BIntroduction to MEMS Design4
EL ENG 248CNumerical Modeling and Analysis: Nonlinear Systems and Noise4
EL ENG C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
EL ENG C249BCourse Not Available4
EL ENG C261Medical Imaging Signals and Systems4
EL ENG 290Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering1-4
EL ENG 290AAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Computer-Aided Design1-3
EL ENG 290BAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Solid State Devices1-3
EL ENG 290CAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Circuit Design1-3
EL ENG 290DAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Technology1-3
EL ENG 290FAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Photonics1-3
EL ENG 290GAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Mems, Microsensors, and Microactuators1-3
EL ENG 290NAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in System Theory1-3
EL ENG 290OAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Control1-3
EL ENG 290PAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Bioelectronics1-3
EL ENG 290QAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Communication Networks1-3
EL ENG 290SAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Communications and Information Theory1-3
EL ENG 290TAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing1-3
EL ENG 290YAdvanced Topics in Electrical Engineering: Organic Materials in Electronics3
EL ENG W290CAdvanced Topics in Circuit Design3
EL ENG C291Control and Optimization of Distributed Parameters Systems3
EL ENG C291EHybrid Systems and Intelligent Control3
EL ENG 297Field Studies in Electrical Engineering12
EL ENG 298Group Studies, Seminars, or Group Research1-4
EL ENG 299Individual Research1-12
EL ENG 375Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering2
EL ENG 602Individual Study for Doctoral Students1-8
COMPSCI C200APrinciples and Techniques of Data Science4
COMPSCI C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
COMPSCI 250VLSI Systems Design4
COMPSCI 252AGraduate Computer Architecture4
COMPSCI 260AUser Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 260BHuman-Computer Interaction Research3
COMPSCI 261Security in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 261NInternet and Network Security4
COMPSCI 262AAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems4
COMPSCI 262BAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 263Design of Programming Languages3
COMPSCI 264Implementation of Programming Languages4
COMPSCI 265Compiler Optimization and Code Generation3
COMPSCI C267Applications of Parallel Computers3
COMPSCI W267Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 268Computer Networks3
COMPSCI 270Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures3
COMPSCI 271Randomness and Computation3
COMPSCI 273Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 274Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 276Cryptography3
COMPSCI C280Computer Vision3
COMPSCI C281AStatistical Learning Theory3
COMPSCI C281BAdvanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making3
COMPSCI 282ADesigning, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks4
COMPSCI 284AFoundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI 284BAdvanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques4
COMPSCI 285Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control3
COMPSCI 286ACourse Not Available4
COMPSCI 286BCourse Not Available3
COMPSCI 287Advanced Robotics3
COMPSCI 287HAlgorithmic Human-Robot Interaction4
COMPSCI 288Natural Language Processing4
COMPSCI 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning4
COMPSCI 294Special Topics1-4
Upper division EECS Courses (Can be used for Inside Minor)
EL ENG 105Microelectronic Devices and Circuits4
EL ENG C106AIntroduction to Robotics4
EL ENG C106BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
EL ENG 113Power Electronics4
EL ENG 117Electromagnetic Fields and Waves4
EL ENG 118Introduction to Optical Engineering4
EL ENG 120Signals and Systems4
EL ENG 121Introduction to Digital Communication Systems4
EL ENG 122Introduction to Communication Networks4
EL ENG 123Digital Signal Processing4
EL ENG 126Probability and Random Processes4
EL ENG C128Feedback Control Systems4
EL ENG 130Integrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG 134Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices4
EL ENG 137AIntroduction to Electric Power Systems4
EL ENG 137BIntroduction to Electric Power Systems4
EL ENG 140Linear Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 142Integrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG 143Microfabrication Technology4
EL ENG 144Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG C145BMedical Imaging Signals and Systems4
EL ENG C145LIntroductory Electronic Transducers Laboratory3
EL ENG C145MIntroductory Microcomputer Interfacing Laboratory3
EL ENG C145OLaboratory in the Mechanics of Organisms3
EL ENG 146LApplication Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory2
EL ENG 147Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)3
EL ENG 192Mechatronic Design Laboratory4
COMPSCI 146LCourse Not Available2
COMPSCI 152Computer Architecture and Engineering4
COMPSCI 160User Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 161Computer Security4
COMPSCI 162Operating Systems and System Programming4
COMPSCI 164Programming Languages and Compilers4
COMPSCI 168Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols4
COMPSCI 169Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 169AIntroduction to Software Engineering4
COMPSCI 169LSoftware Engineering Team Project2
COMPSCI W169ACourse Not Available3
COMPSCI 170Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems4
COMPSCI 171Cryptography4
COMPSCI 172Computability and Complexity4
COMPSCI 174Combinatorics and Discrete Probability4
COMPSCI 176Algorithms for Computational Biology4
COMPSCI 182Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 184Foundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI 186Introduction to Database Systems4
COMPSCI W186Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 188Introduction to Artificial Intelligence4
COMPSCI 189Introduction to Machine Learning4
COMPSCI C191Introduction to Quantum Computing3

Preliminary Exams

The EECS preliminary requirement consists of two components:

Oral Examination

The oral exam serves an advisory role in a student's graduate studies, providing official feedback from an exam committee of faculty members. Students must be able to demonstrate an integrated grasp of the exam area's body of knowledge in an unstructured framework. Students must pass the oral portion of the preliminary exam within their first two attempts. A third attempt is possible with a petition of support from the student's faculty adviser and final approval by the prelim committee chair. Failure to pass the oral portion of the preliminary exam will result in the student being ineligible to complete the PhD program. The examining committee awards a score in the range of 0-10. The minimum passing score is 6.0.

Breadth Courses

The prelim breadth courses ensure that students have exposure to areas outside their concentration.

EE students are expected to complete two courses of at least three units each in two areas of EECS outside their prelim oral exam area. These courses must be graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, and students must receive a grade of A- or better.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is an important checkpoint, meant to show that a student is on a promising research track toward the PhD. It is a University examination, administered by the Graduate Council, with the specific purpose of demonstrating that "the student is clearly an expert in those areas of the discipline that have been specified for the examination, and that he or she can, in all likelihood, design and produce an acceptable dissertation." Despite such rigid criteria, faculty examiners recognize that the level of expertise expected is that appropriate for a third year graduate student who may be only in the early stages of a research project.

The EECS department offers the qualifying exam in two formats, A or B. Students may choose the exam type of their choice after consultation with their advisor.

Format A
  1. Students prepare a write-up and presentation, summarizing a specific research area, preferably the one in which they intend to do their dissertation work. Their summary surveys that area and describes open and interesting research problems.
  2. They describe why they chose these problems and indicate what direction their research may take in the future.
  3. They prepare to display expertise on both the topic presented and on any related material that the committee thinks is relevant.
  4. The student should talk (at least briefly) about any research progress to date (e.g., MS project, PhD research, or class project). Some evidence of their ability to do research is expected.
  5. The committee shall evaluate students on the basis of their comprehension of the fundamental facts and principles that apply within their research area and the student’s ability to think incisively and critically about the theoretical and practical aspects of this field.
  6.  Students must demonstrate command of the content and the ability to design and produce an acceptable dissertation.
Format B

This option includes the presentation and defense of a thesis proposal in addition to the requirements of option A. It will include a summary of research to date and plans for future work (or at least the next stage thereof). The committee shall not only evaluate the student's thesis proposal and his/her progress to date, but shall also evaluate according to option A. As in option A, the student should prepare a single document and presentation, but in this case, additional emphasis must be placed on research completed to date and plans for the remainder of the dissertation research.

Thesis Proposal Defense

Students not presenting a satisfactory thesis proposal defense, either because they took option A for the QE, or because the material presented in an option B exam was not deemed a satisfactory proposal defense (although it may have sufficed to pass the QE), must write up and present a thesis proposal, which should include a summary of the research to date and plans for the remainder of the dissertation research. They should be prepared to discuss background and related areas, but the focus of the proposal should be on the progress made so far, and detailed plans for completing the thesis. The standard for continuing with PhD research is that the proposal has sufficient merit to lead to a satisfactory dissertation. Another purpose of this presentation is for faculty to provide feedback on the quality of work to date. For this step, the committee should consist of at least three members from EECS familiar with the research area, preferably including those on the dissertation committee.

Normative Time in Candidacy

Advancement to Candidacy

Students must file the advancement form online through CalCentral no later than the end of the semester following the one in which the qualifying exam was passed. In approving this application, Graduate Division approves the dissertation committee and will send a certificate of candidacy.

Students in the EECS department are required to be advanced to candidacy at least two semesters before they are eligible to graduate.  Once a student is advanced to candidacy, candidacy is valid for five years.  For the first three years, non-resident tuition may be waived, if applicable.

Dissertation Talk

As part of the requirements for the doctoral degree, students must give a public talk on the research covered by their dissertation. The dissertation talk should be given a few months before the signing of the final submission of the dissertation.  It must be given before the final submission of the dissertation.  The talk should cover all the major components of the dissertation in a substantial manner; in particular, the dissertation talk should not omit topics that will appear in the dissertation but are incomplete at the time of the talk.

The dissertation talk is to be attended by the whole dissertation committee, or, if this is not possible, by at least a majority of the members. Attendance at this talk is part of the committee's responsibility. It is, however, the responsibility of the student to schedule a time for the talk that is convenient for members of the committee.  

Required Professional Development

Graduate Student Instructor Teaching Requirement

The department requires all PhD candidates to serve as graduate student instructors (GSIs) within the EECS department. The GSI teaching requirement not only helps to develop a student's communication skills, but it also makes a great contribution to the department's academic community. Students must fulfill this requirement by working as a GSI (excluding EL ENG 375, or COMPSCI 375) for a total of 30 hours minimum prior to graduation. At least 20 of those hours must be for an EE or CS undergraduate course. In addition, students must earn a Satisfactory grade in the mandatory pedagogy course to complete the GSI teaching requirement.

Master's Degree Requirements (MS)

Unit requirements

A minimum of 24 units is required.


All courses must be taken for a letter grade, except courses numbered  299, which are only offered for S/U credit.

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. No credit will be given for courses in which the student earns a grade of D+ or below.

Transfer credit may be awarded for a maximum of 4 semester or 6 quarter units of graduate coursework from another institution.

Plan I
10 units of courses, selected from the 200-series (excluding 298 and 299) in EECS
EL ENG 299Individual Research4-10
or COMPSCI 299 Individual Research
Upper division or graduate courses to reach the minimum of 24 units
Plan II
10 units of courses, selected from the 200-series (excluding 298 and 299) in EECS
EL ENG 299Individual Research3-6
or COMPSCI 299 Individual Research
Upper division or graduate courses to reach the minimum of 24 units
Possible courses include:
EL ENG 210Applied Electromagnetic Theory3
EL ENG 213APower Electronics4
EL ENG C213X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation3
EL ENG 218AIntroduction to Optical Engineering4
EL ENG 219ACourse Not Available4
EL ENG 219BLogic Synthesis4
EL ENG C220AAdvanced Control Systems I3
EL ENG C220BExperiential Advanced Control Design I3
EL ENG C220CExperiential Advanced Control Design II3
EL ENG C220DInput/Output Methods for Compositional System Analysis2
EL ENG 221ALinear System Theory4
EL ENG 222Nonlinear Systems--Analysis, Stability and Control3
EL ENG C222Nonlinear Systems3
EL ENG 223Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control3
EL ENG 224ADigital Communications4
EL ENG 224BFundamentals of Wireless Communication3
EL ENG 225DAudio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines3
EL ENG C225EPrinciples of Magnetic Resonance Imaging4
EL ENG 226ARandom Processes in Systems4
EL ENG 226BApplications of Stochastic Process Theory2
EL ENG 227BTConvex Optimization4
EL ENG C227CConvex Optimization and Approximation3
EL ENG C227TIntroduction to Convex Optimization4
EL ENG 228AHigh Speed Communications Networks3
EL ENG 229AInformation Theory and Coding3
EL ENG 229BError Control Coding3
EL ENG 230AIntegrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG 230BSolid State Devices4
EL ENG 230CSolid State Electronics3
EL ENG W230AIntegrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG W230BSolid State Devices4
EL ENG 232Lightwave Devices4
EL ENG C235Nanoscale Fabrication4
EL ENG 236AQuantum and Optical Electronics3
EL ENG C239Partially Ionized Plasmas3
EL ENG 240AAnalog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240BAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240CAnalysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W240AAnalog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG W240BAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W240CAnalysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG 241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W241AIntroduction to Digital Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG W241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG 242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG 242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG W242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG W242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG 243Advanced IC Processing and Layout3
EL ENG 244Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG W244Fundamental Algorithms for System Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG C246Parametric and Optimal Design of MEMS3
EL ENG 247AIntroduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)3
EL ENG C247BIntroduction to MEMS Design4
EL ENG W247BIntroduction to MEMS Design4
EL ENG 248CNumerical Modeling and Analysis: Nonlinear Systems and Noise4
EL ENG C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
EL ENG C249BCourse Not Available4
EL ENG C261Medical Imaging Signals and Systems4
EL ENG 290Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering1-4
EL ENG C291Control and Optimization of Distributed Parameters Systems3
EL ENG C291EHybrid Systems and Intelligent Control3
EECS C206AIntroduction to Robotics4
EECS C206BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
EECS 208Computational Principles for High-dimensional Data Analysis4
EECS 219CFormal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis3
EECS 225AStatistical Signal Processing3
EECS 225BDigital Image Processing3
EECS 227ATOptimization Models in Engineering4
EECS 251AIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits3
EECS 251BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems4
EECS 251LAIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab2
EECS 251LBIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab2
EECS 151LBField-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory2
COMPSCI C200APrinciples and Techniques of Data Science4
COMPSCI C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
COMPSCI 250VLSI Systems Design4
COMPSCI 252AGraduate Computer Architecture4
COMPSCI 260AUser Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 260BHuman-Computer Interaction Research3
COMPSCI 261Security in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 262AAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems4
COMPSCI 262BAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 263Design of Programming Languages3
COMPSCI 264Implementation of Programming Languages4
COMPSCI 265Compiler Optimization and Code Generation3
COMPSCI C267Applications of Parallel Computers3
COMPSCI 268Computer Networks3
COMPSCI 270Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures3
COMPSCI 271Randomness and Computation3
COMPSCI 273Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 274Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 276Cryptography3
COMPSCI C280Computer Vision3
COMPSCI C281AStatistical Learning Theory3
COMPSCI C281BAdvanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making3
COMPSCI 282ADesigning, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks4
COMPSCI 284AFoundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI 284BAdvanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques4
COMPSCI 285Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control3
COMPSCI 286ACourse Not Available4
COMPSCI 286BCourse Not Available3
COMPSCI 287Advanced Robotics3
COMPSCI 287HAlgorithmic Human-Robot Interaction4
COMPSCI 288Natural Language Processing4
COMPSCI 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning4
COMPSCI 294Special Topics1-4
Upper division EECS Courses (Can be used for Inside Minor)
EL ENG 105Microelectronic Devices and Circuits4
EL ENG C106AIntroduction to Robotics4
EL ENG C106BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
EL ENG 113Power Electronics4
EL ENG 117Electromagnetic Fields and Waves4
EL ENG 118Introduction to Optical Engineering4
EL ENG 120Signals and Systems4
EL ENG 121Introduction to Digital Communication Systems4
EL ENG 122Introduction to Communication Networks4
EL ENG 123Digital Signal Processing4
EL ENG 126Probability and Random Processes4
EL ENG C128Feedback Control Systems4
EL ENG 130Integrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG 134Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices4
EL ENG 137AIntroduction to Electric Power Systems4
EL ENG 137BIntroduction to Electric Power Systems4
EL ENG 140Linear Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 142Integrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG 143Microfabrication Technology4
EL ENG 144Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG C145BMedical Imaging Signals and Systems4
EL ENG C145LIntroductory Electronic Transducers Laboratory3
EL ENG C145MIntroductory Microcomputer Interfacing Laboratory3
EL ENG 146LApplication Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory2
EL ENG 147Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)3
EL ENG 192Mechatronic Design Laboratory4
COMPSCI 146LCourse Not Available2
COMPSCI 152Computer Architecture and Engineering4
COMPSCI 160User Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 161Computer Security4
COMPSCI 162Operating Systems and System Programming4
COMPSCI 164Programming Languages and Compilers4
COMPSCI 168Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols4
COMPSCI 169Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 169AIntroduction to Software Engineering4
COMPSCI 169LSoftware Engineering Team Project2
COMPSCI W169ACourse Not Available3
COMPSCI 170Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems4
COMPSCI 171Cryptography4
COMPSCI 172Computability and Complexity4
COMPSCI 174Combinatorics and Discrete Probability4
COMPSCI 176Algorithms for Computational Biology4
COMPSCI 182Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 184Foundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI 186Introduction to Database Systems4
COMPSCI W186Course Not Available4
COMPSCI 188Introduction to Artificial Intelligence4
COMPSCI 189Introduction to Machine Learning4
COMPSCI C191Introduction to Quantum Computing3
Plus research units for EECS major
Individual Research [1-12]
Plus research units for CS major
Individual Research [1-12]

Advancement to Candidacy

For both Plan I and Plan II, MS students need to complete the departmental Advance to Candidacy form, have their research advisor sign the form, and submit the form to the Department's Master's Degree Advisor. Students who choose Plan I will also need to complete the Graduate Division's online Advancement to Candidacy form through Calcentral no later than the end of the second week of classes in their final semester. 

Once a student has advanced to candidacy, candidacy is valid for three years.

Capstone/Thesis (Plan I)

Students planning to use Plan I for their MS Degree will need to follow the Graduate Division's “Thesis Filing Guidelines." A copy of the signature page and abstract should be submitted to the Department's Master's Degree Advisor.  In addition, a copy should be uploaded to the EECS website.

Capstone/Master's Project (Plan II)

Students planning to use Plan II for their MS Degree will need to produce an MS Plan II Title/Signature Page. A copy of the signature page and abstract should be submitted to the the Department's Master's Degree Advisor. In addition, a copy should be uploaded to the EECS website.

There is no special formatting required for the body of the Plan II MS report, unlike the Plan I MS thesis, which must follow Graduate Division guidelines.

Master's Degree Requirements (MEng)

Unit Requirements

The minimum number of units to complete the degree is 25 semester units.


Four Graduate Level Classes (two in Fall and two in Spring) from courses chosen by Master’s Vice Chair
EL ENG 206AIntroduction to Robotics4
EL ENG 206BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
EL ENG 210Applied Electromagnetic Theory3
EL ENG 213APower Electronics4
EL ENG C213X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation3
EL ENG 218AIntroduction to Optical Engineering4
EL ENG 219ACourse Not Available4
EL ENG 219BLogic Synthesis4
EL ENG C220AAdvanced Control Systems I3
EL ENG C220BExperiential Advanced Control Design I3
EL ENG C220CExperiential Advanced Control Design II3
EL ENG 221ALinear System Theory4
EL ENG 222Nonlinear Systems--Analysis, Stability and Control3
EL ENG C222Nonlinear Systems3
EL ENG 223Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control3
EL ENG 224ADigital Communications4
EL ENG 224BFundamentals of Wireless Communication3
EL ENG 225DAudio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines3
EL ENG C225EPrinciples of Magnetic Resonance Imaging4
EL ENG 226ARandom Processes in Systems4
EL ENG 226BApplications of Stochastic Process Theory2
EL ENG 227BTConvex Optimization4
EL ENG C227CConvex Optimization and Approximation3
EL ENG C227TIntroduction to Convex Optimization4
EL ENG 228AHigh Speed Communications Networks3
EL ENG 229AInformation Theory and Coding3
EL ENG 229BError Control Coding3
EL ENG 230AIntegrated-Circuit Devices4
EL ENG 230BSolid State Devices4
EL ENG 230CSolid State Electronics3
EL ENG 232Lightwave Devices4
EL ENG C235Nanoscale Fabrication4
EL ENG 236AQuantum and Optical Electronics3
EL ENG C239Partially Ionized Plasmas3
EL ENG 240AAnalog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240BAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 240CAnalysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W241AIntroduction to Digital Integrated Circuits4
EL ENG 241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG W241BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits3
EL ENG 242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG 242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG W242AIntegrated Circuits for Communications4
EL ENG W242BAdvanced Integrated Circuits for Communications3
EL ENG 243Advanced IC Processing and Layout3
EL ENG 244Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG W244Fundamental Algorithms for System Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization4
EL ENG 247AIntroduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)3
EL ENG C247BIntroduction to MEMS Design4
EL ENG 248CNumerical Modeling and Analysis: Nonlinear Systems and Noise4
EL ENG C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
EL ENG C249BCourse Not Available4
EL ENG C261Medical Imaging Signals and Systems4
EL ENG 290Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering1-4
EL ENG C291Control and Optimization of Distributed Parameters Systems3
EL ENG C291EHybrid Systems and Intelligent Control3
EECS C206AIntroduction to Robotics4
EECS C206BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
EECS 208Computational Principles for High-dimensional Data Analysis4
EECS 219CFormal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis3
EECS 225AStatistical Signal Processing3
EECS 225BDigital Image Processing3
EECS 227ATOptimization Models in Engineering4
EECS 251AIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits3
EECS 251BAdvanced Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems4
EECS 251LAIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab2
EECS 251LBIntroduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab2
COMPSCI C200APrinciples and Techniques of Data Science4
COMPSCI C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems4
COMPSCI 250VLSI Systems Design4
COMPSCI 252AGraduate Computer Architecture4
COMPSCI 260AUser Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 260BHuman-Computer Interaction Research3
COMPSCI 261Security in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 262AAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems4
COMPSCI 262BAdvanced Topics in Computer Systems3
COMPSCI 263Design of Programming Languages3
COMPSCI 264Implementation of Programming Languages4
COMPSCI 265Compiler Optimization and Code Generation3
COMPSCI C267Applications of Parallel Computers3
COMPSCI 268Computer Networks3
COMPSCI 270Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures3
COMPSCI 271Randomness and Computation3
COMPSCI 273Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 274Course Not Available3
COMPSCI 276Cryptography3
COMPSCI C280Computer Vision3
COMPSCI C281AStatistical Learning Theory3
COMPSCI C281BAdvanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making3
COMPSCI 282ADesigning, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks4
COMPSCI 284AFoundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI 284BAdvanced Computer Graphics Algorithms and Techniques4
COMPSCI 285Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control3
COMPSCI 286ACourse Not Available4
COMPSCI 286BCourse Not Available3
COMPSCI 287Advanced Robotics3
COMPSCI 287HAlgorithmic Human-Robot Interaction4
COMPSCI 288Natural Language Processing4
COMPSCI 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning4
COMPSCI 294Special Topics1-4
Six units of Engineering 270 (1 Units each) — ENGIN 270 AB and C in Fall and three more in Spring
ENGIN 270AOrganizational Behavior for Engineers1
ENGIN 270BR&D Technology Management & Ethics1
ENGIN 270CTeaming & Project Management1
ENGIN 270DEntrepreneurship for Engineers1
ENGIN 270ETechnology Strategy & Industry Analysis1
ENGIN 270FData Analytics1
ENGIN 270GMarketing & Product Management1
ENGIN 270HAccounting & Finance for Engineers1
ENGIN 270ITechnology Strategy for Engineering Leaders1
ENGIN 270JIndustry Analysis for Engineering Leaders1
ENGIN 270KCoaching for High Performance Teams1
ENGIN 270LGlobal Leadership Expertise1
ENGIN 270MProfessional Ethics in Technology, Law and Business1
ENGIN 270NInnovation Management1
ENGIN 270PPower and Persuasion for Engineering Leadership1
Plus 4–5 Units of Capstone Project
ENGIN 296MAMaster of Engineering Capstone Project1-12
ENGIN 296MBMaster of Engineering Capstone Project1-5

Capstone/Master's Project (Plan II)

Students will join a team of three to five students, working on a specific problem or opportunity that can be addressed by technology and gaining direct experience in applying the skills learned in leadership courses.


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Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Computer Science

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Contact Information

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

253 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-3214

Fax: 510-643-7846

Visit Department Website

Department Chair

Claire Tomlin, PhD

225 Cory Hall

Phone: 510.642.0253


Vice Chair of Graduate Study and Prelims

Ana Claudia Arias, PhD

508 Cory Hall


Vice Chair of Graduate Study and Prelims

John Wawrzynek, PhD

631 Soda Hall

Phone: 510-643-9434


Vice Chair, Masters’ Degree Programs (MEng and MS)

Sanjit Seshia, PhD

566 Cory Hall


Executive Director, EECS Student Affairs

Susanne Kauer

221 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-3694


Director, Graduate Matters; EE Graduate Advisor

Judy Smithson

217 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-643-8347


Master's Degree Programs Advisor

Michael Sun

215 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-643-8107


CS Graduate Advisor


367 Soda

Phone: 510-642-9413


EE Graduate Admissions

Pat Hernan

215 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-9265


CS Graduate Admissions

Glenna Anton

215 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-6285


EECS Graduate Advisor

Tiffany Sun

253 Cory Hall


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