Applied Science and Technology

University of California, Berkeley


The Applied Science and Technology Graduate Group is administered by the College of Engineering. The program is focused on interdisciplinary research and draws faculty from the departments within the College of Engineering as well as from the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Statistics, and Mathematics. Recent topics of interest include the properties and applications of nanostructures; thin-film and interface science; microelectromechanical systems (MEMS); short-wavelength coherent radiation; X-ray micro-imaging for the life and physical sciences; plasma physics and plasma-assisted materials processing; laser-induced chemical processes; laser probing of complex reacting systems; ultrafast phenomena; particle accelerators; nonlinear dynamics; chaotic systems; numerical methods; and computational fluid mechanics and reacting flows. The Applied Science and Technology (AS&T) program awards the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

A hallmark of the AS&T Graduate Group is that the students design their graduate curriculum in consultation with their advisor to best match their research interests. This enables the students to cross the boundaries between traditional disciplines to conduct truly interdisciplinary research. Graduate research in the AS&T Program benefits from state-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities on the Berkeley campus and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The interdisciplinary, collaborative nature of the AS&T Program provides ample opportunity to develop new research directions by making the best use possible of these facilities and the other research instrumentation available to AS&T faculty.

Students admitted to AS&T have an opportunity to choose a research advisor from a diverse group of world-renowned faculty members engaged in cutting-edge research at UC Berkeley.  Among more than 80 associated members of the AS&T faculty, students will find internationally-recognized faculty members who have achieved great distinction in their scholarship.  All have published in top-tier archival journals. Most have been recognized by their peers through prestigious awards.  Many are members of one or more of the national academies (the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences).

Graduate Program

Applied Science and Technology: PhD

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Applied Science and Technology

Contact Information

Graduate Group in Applied Science and Technology

210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building

Phone: 510-642-0716

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Student Academic Advisor/Program Coordinator

Ariana Castro

210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building

Phone: 510-642-0716

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