Comparative Biochemistry

University of California, Berkeley


The Interdisciplinary Graduate Group in Comparative Biochemistry offers unique opportunities for students to obtain the PhD degree in a broad range of disciplines that use biochemical and molecular approaches to problems in the biological sciences. Opportunities for research exist with faculty from diverse departments and research units on the Berkeley campus including Molecular and Cell Biology, Nutritional Sciences, Plant and Microbial Biology, Chemistry, Public Health, Environmental Science and Policy Management, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 

Graduate Program

Comparative Biochemistry: PhD

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Comparative Biochemistry

Contact Information

Graduate Group in Comparative Biochemistry

324 Barker Hall

Phone: 510-643-1711

Visit Group Website

Department Chair

Fenyong Liu, PhD (Public Health)

324 Barker Hall MC #7354

Phone: 510-643-2436

Graduate Student Affairs Officer

Phong Trang

324 Barker Hall MC #7354

Phone: 510-643-1711

Fax: 510-643-0896

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