Arts & Humanities Division

The Arts & Humanities at UC Berkeley are collectively, and in their parts, recognized as among the best in the country and the world. Our faculty and students are shaping discourse and society, improving our understanding of human experience, and gaining new insight into the individual and collective imaginations of those living today as well as those who have inhabited the earth over the past thousands of years.

By studying languages and literatures, students prepare themselves for an increasingly multicultural world. Through philosophical exploration, students move beyond their own assumptions toward a deeper understanding of human life’s complexities. And discovery in the arts helps students open their imaginations to fresh perspectives.

The faculty in Arts & Humanities are leaders in their fields — both as researchers, honored worldwide for their contributions to scholarship, and as teachers who challenge students to explore the deepest questions that shape their lives and our times.

Visit the Arts & Humanities website to learn more about our academic offerings, divisional initiatives, student resources, and news and events.

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Contact Information

Arts & Humanities Division

College of Letters & Science

101 Durant Hall

Phone: 510-642-3331

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Sara Guyer

Associate Dean

Karl Britto

Associate Dean

Michael Iarocci

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