Aerospace Engineering and Business Administration

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

M.E.T. at a Glance: One program, two Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees

The Bioengineering and Business Administration simultaneous degree is part of the Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology Program. The M.E.T. Program aims to educate leaders with a seamless understanding of technology innovation, from idea to real-world impact.

M.E.T. students earn two Bachelor of Science degrees in one program that combines the best of the top-ranked College of Engineering and Haas School of Business. The integrated curriculum is completed in four years. Internships, career coaching, and other enrichment activities provide ample opportunity for hands-on experience with innovation and entrepreneurship. Each M.E.T. cohort is small, allowing for close mentoring and a tight-knit community.

Admission to the M.E.T. Program

The M.E.T. Program seeks inquisitive, self-motivated students with a passion for finding and solving big problems. It is highly competitive and is open to freshmen during the UC application period (November 1 - 30). Freshman admission is limited to a maximum of 50 students. Current UC Berkeley sophomores in the College of Engineering majoring in one of the M.E.T. tracks may apply to M.E.T. via the Continuing Student Admissions process.

For further information, please see the M.E.T. website.


All UC Berkeley Engineering programs are accredited through the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). The Undergraduate Business Degree Program is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Visit Program Website

Major Requirements

In addition to the University, campus, and M.E.T. Program requirements, listed on the College Requirements tab, students must fulfill the below requirements.

General Guidelines

  1. A minimum of 38 upper division business units is required.
  2. Students must complete the College Requirements and the Major Requirements.
  3. Students must complete the degree program in eight semesters, not including Summer Session.
  4. All Haas business courses must be taken for a letter grade, including core substitutions, with the exception of UGBA 194UGBA 198 and UGBA 199 (only offered Pass/No Pass).
  5. All technical courses that can be used to fulfill a requirement must be taken for a letter grade.
  6. Students who receive a grade of D+ or lower in a core UGBA course must repeat the course until they achieve a grade of C- or better.
  7. Students must complete their business prerequisite courses (including R&C) by the spring semester of their sophomore (2nd) year.
  8. Two M.E.T. Special Topics courses are required. M.E.T. Special Topics courses will count as upper division business units. A letter grade of C- or higher is required.
  9. Students in this program must adhere to all policies and procedures of the College of Engineering and the Haas School of Business.

For information regarding University and campus requirements, Reading and Composition, breadth, class schedule, minimum academic progress, and unit requirements, please see the College Requirements.

Lower Division Requirements

AERO ENG 1Aerospace Engineering 1 Seminar1
AERO ENG 2Aerospace Engineering 2 Seminar1
AERO ENG 10Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Design4
CIV ENG C30Introduction to Solid Mechanics3
or MEC ENG C85 Introduction to Solid Mechanics
ECON 1Introduction to Economics4
or ECON 2 Introduction to Economics--Lecture Format
ENGIN 7Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers4
or COMPSCI 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
ENGIN 40Engineering Thermodynamics3-4
or MEC ENG 40 Thermodynamics
MAT SCI 45Properties of Materials3
MAT SCI 45LProperties of Materials Laboratory1
MATH 1ACalculus4
MATH 1BCalculus4
MATH 53Multivariable Calculus4
MATH 54Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (recommended)4
or PHYSICS 89 Introduction to Mathematical Physics
PHYSICS 7APhysics for Scientists and Engineers4
PHYSICS 7BPhysics for Scientists and Engineers4
Science Elective 14-5
UGBA 10XFoundations of Business3

Choose one of the following: 

 ASTRON 7AASTRON 10BIOLOGY 1A + BIOLOGY 1ALBIOLOGY 1BCHEM 1A + CHEM 1ALCHEM 1BCHEM 3A + CHEM 3ALCHEM 3B + CHEM 3BLCHEM 4ACHEM 4BMCELLBI 32PHYSICS 7C. Some of these courses require prerequisites and would therefore be more appropriately taken in a later semester. Students who plan to take MECENG 40 for their Thermodynamics requirement in sophomore year will need to take CHEM 1A/1AL to fulfill their Science Elective, because CHEM 1A/1AL are prerequisites for MECENG 40.

Upper Division Requirements

Students must complete the Upper Division Core Requirements and four Technical Electives. 

AERO ENG 100Course Not Available
CIV ENG 126Engineering Dynamics and Vibrations3
or MEC ENG 104 Engineering Mechanics II
ENGIN 178Statistics and Data Science for Engineers 24
or DATA C100 Principles & Techniques of Data Science
MEC ENG 100Electronics for the Internet of Things 14
or EL ENG 120 Signals and Systems
or EECS 149 Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems
MEC ENG 103Experimentation and Measurements4
MEC ENG 106Fluid Mechanics3
MEC ENG 132Dynamic Systems and Feedback 13
or EL ENG C128 Feedback Control Systems
or MEC ENG C134 Feedback Control Systems
MEC ENG 163Engineering Aerodynamics 13

MEC ENG 132 is only offered during fall semesters.  MEC ENG C134 and MEC ENG 163 are only offered during spring semesters.


Math 53 and 54 are recommended before Engin 178, Math 53 and 54 are allowed concurrently. ENGIN 178 OR Data C100 + Data C88S or UGBA 88 fulfills the Statistics prerequisite for Haas.

Technical Electives

Students must take four elective courses total from the areas listed below, two from one area and an additional two from another. 
Communications Systems
COMPSCI 168Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols4
EL ENG 117Electromagnetic Fields and Waves4
EL ENG 121Introduction to Digital Communication Systems4
EL ENG 122Introduction to Communication Networks4
EL ENG 142Integrated Circuits for Communications4
Computational Tools
CIV ENG C133Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method3
or MEC ENG C180 Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method
ENGIN 150Basic Modeling and Simulation Tools for Industrial Research Applications4
IND ENG 174Simulation for Enterprise-Scale Systems3
NUC ENG 155Introduction to Numerical Simulations in Radiation Transport3
Control, Autonomy, & Artificial Intelligence
COMPSCI 188Introduction to Artificial Intelligence4
COMPSCI 189Introduction to Machine Learning4
EL ENG/BIO ENG/MEC ENG C106AIntroduction to Robotics4
EL ENG/BIO ENG/MEC ENG C106BRobotic Manipulation and Interaction4
IND ENG 142Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics3
MEC ENG 136Dynamics and Control of Autonomous Flight3
EL ENG 192Mechatronic Design Laboratory4
MEC ENG 135Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems4
Dynamical Systems
MEC ENG 170Engineering Mechanics III3
MEC ENG/AERO ENG C162Introduction to Flight Mechanics3
MEC ENG 175Intermediate Dynamics3
Humans and Automation
CIV ENG 190Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering ((Aviation control topics))1-4
COG SCI 131Computational Models of Cognition4
COMPSCI 160User Interface Design and Development4
IND ENG 170Industrial Design and Human Factors3
IND ENG 130Methods of Manufacturing Improvement3
MAT SCI 121Metals Processing3
MEC ENG 122Processing of Materials in Manufacturing3
MEC ENG 127Introduction to Composite Materials3
MAT SCI 102Bonding, Crystallography, and Crystal Defects3
Materials Characterization
and Materials Characterization Laboratory
MAT SCI 112Corrosion (Chemical Properties)3
MAT SCI 113Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials3
MAT SCI 136Materials in Energy Technologies4
MEC ENG 108Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials4
MEC ENG 127Introduction to Composite Materials3
NUC ENG 120Nuclear Materials4
CIV ENG 132Applied Structural Mechanics3
MEC ENG/AERO ENG C184/CIV ENG C138Flight Vehicle Structures and Aeroelasticity3
MEC ENG 185Introduction to Continuum Mechanics3
Operations and Project Management
CIV ENG 167Engineering Project Management3
IND ENG 120Principles of Engineering Economics3
IND ENG 130Methods of Manufacturing Improvement3
IND ENG 150Production Systems Analysis3
IND ENG 153Logistics Network Design and Supply Chain Management3
EECS 127Optimization Models in Engineering4
IND ENG 160Nonlinear and Discrete Optimization3
IND ENG 162Linear Programming and Network Flows3
IND ENG 164Introduction to Optimization Modeling3
CIV ENG 190Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering ((Power topics))1-4
MEC ENG 140Combustion Processes3
MEC ENG 146Energy Conversion Principles3
MEC ENG 154Thermophysics for Applications3
NUC ENG 150Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory4
NUC ENG 161Nuclear Power Engineering4
AERO ENG 143Course Not Available
MEC ENG 109Heat Transfer3
MEC ENG 140Combustion Processes3
MEC ENG 151AConductive and Radiative Transport3
MEC ENG 151BConvective Transport and Computational Methods3
MEC ENG 154Thermophysics for Applications3
Risk Management
CIV ENG 193Engineering Risk Analysis3
IND ENG 165Engineering Statistics, Quality Control, and Forecasting4
IND ENG 166Decision Analytics3
IND ENG 172Probability and Risk Analysis for Engineers4
NUC ENG 167Risk-Informed Design for Advanced Nuclear Systems3
NUC ENG 175Methods of Risk Analysis3
Space Technologies
NUC ENG 140Course Not Available
NUC ENG 162Radiation Biophysics and Dosimetry3

Upper Division Business Administration Requirements 

UGBA 100Business Communication2
UGBA 101AMicroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions3
UGBA 101BMacroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions3
UGBA 102AFinancial Accounting3
UGBA 102BManagerial Accounting3
UGBA 103Introduction to Finance4
UGBA 104Introduction to Business Analytics3
UGBA 105Leading People3
UGBA 106Marketing3
UGBA 107The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business3
M.E.T. Special Topics
Two courses are required. 12-2
Upper Division Business Administration Elective Courses
Select a minimum of 4-6 units of upper division UGBA elective courses in order to complete a minimum of 38 units of upper division Business Administration courses.4-6
Special Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy [1-4]
International Trade [3]
Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 [4]
Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 [4]
Advanced Financial Accounting [4]
Federal Income Tax Accounting [4]
Financial Information Analysis [4]
Operating and Financial Reporting Issues in the Financial Services Industry [3]
Ethics in Accounting [3]
Auditing [4]
Special Topics in Accounting [1-4]
Strategic Cost Management [3]
Corporate Finance and Financial Statement Analysis [3]
Financial Institutions and Markets [3]
Investments [3]
Behavioral Finance [3]
Special Topics in Finance [1-4]
Production and Operations Management [2-3]
Game Theory and Business Decisions [3]
Special Topics in Operations and Information Technology Management [1-4]
Management of Human Resources [3]
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution [3]
Power and Politics in Organizations [2,3]
Leadership [3]
Special Topics in the Management of Organizations [1-4]
Customer Insights [3]
Market Research: Tools and Techniques for Data Collection and Analysis [3]
Brand Management and Strategy [3]
Product Branding and Branded Entertainment [2]
Advertising Strategy [3]
Special Topics in Marketing [1-4]
Pricing [3]
History of American Business [3]
Competitive Strategy [3]
Leading Strategy Implementation [3]
Legal Aspects of Management [3]
Innovations in Communications and Public Relations [2]
Special Topics in Business and Public Policy [1-4]
Introduction to International Business [3]
International Consulting for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises [3]
Introduction to Real Estate and Urban Land Economics [3]
Introduction to Real Estate Finance [3]
Urban and Real Estate Economics [3]
Special Topics in Real Estate Economics and Finance [1-4]
Strategy for the Information Technology Firm [3]
Special Topics in Innovation and Design [1-4]
Communication for Leaders [2]
Improvisational Leadership [3]
Leadership and Personal Development [3]
Leading Nonprofit and Social Enterprises [3]
Strategic Philanthropy [2]
Applied Impact Evaluation [2]
Topics in Social Sector Leadership [1-5]
Sustainable Business Consulting Projects [3]
Topics in Responsible Business [1-4]
Practical Training [0.0]
Energy & Civilization [4]
Business Abroad [1-4]
Undergraduate Colloquium on Business Topics [1]
Entrepreneurship [3]
Entrepreneurship: How to Successfully start a New Business [3]
Entrepreneurship To Address Global Poverty [3]
Topics in Entrepreneurship [1-3]
Special Topics in Business Administration [1-4]
Directed Study [1-4]
Supervised Independent Study and Research [1-4]

M.E.T. Special Topics courses will count as upper division business units.

College Requirements

M.E.T. Program Requirements

Reading and Composition

Two Reading and Composition (R&C) courses must be taken for a letter grade (C- or better required), and must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year (4th semester of enrollment). The first half of R&C, the “A” course, must be completed by the end of the freshman year; the second half of R&C, the “B “course, by no later than the end of the sophomore year or a student's registration will be blocked. View a detailed list of courses that fulfill Reading and Composition requirements. 

Breadth Requirement

The undergraduate breadth requirement provides Berkeley students with a rich and varied educational experience outside of their major program. As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. Engaging students in new disciplines and with peers from other majors, the breadth experience strengthens interdisciplinary connections and context that prepare Berkeley graduates to understand and solve the complex issues of their day.

Students in the M.E.T. Program must successfully complete six breadth courses, one in each of the following categories:

Arts and Literature

Historical Studies

International Studies

Philosophy and Values (will be satisfied with UGBA 107)

Physical Science (will be satisfied with Physics 7B)

Social and Behavioral Sciences (will be satisfied with Econ 1)

  • With the exception of UGBA 107, UGBA courses cannot be used to fulfill breadth requirements.
  • With the exception of Econ 1 or Econ 2, microeconomics and macroeconomics at any level (Econ 3, Econ 100A/B, Econ 101A/B, IAS 106/107) cannot be used to fulfill breadth requirements.
  • No more than two courses from any one department may be used to satisfy the breadth requirement (L&S Discovery courses are exempt).
  • Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and A-Level exams cannot be used to fulfill the breadth requirement.
  • Courses numbered 97, 98, 99, or above 196 may not be used to complete any breadth requirement.
  • Breadth courses must be a minimum of 3 semester units.
  • Reading & Composition courses cannot be used to fulfill breadth requirements.

Class Schedule Requirements

  • Minimum units per semester: 13
  • Maximum units per semester:  20.5
  • Students in the M.E.T. Program must enroll each semester in no fewer than two letter graded technical courses (of at least 3 units each, with the exception of Engineering 25, 26 and 27). Every semester they are expected to make satisfactory progress in their declared major; satisfactory progress in the student's declared major is determined by their ESS adviser. In general, this means you will need to take two to three technical courses each semester that satisfy requirements for your engineering major in order to graduate on time.

Minimum Academic (Grade) Requirements

  • A minimum overall and semester grade point average of 2.000 (C average) is required. Students will be subject to dismissal from the University if during any fall or spring semester their overall U.C. GPA falls below a 2.000, or their semester GPA is less than 2.000. 
  • Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.000 (C average) in upper division technical courses each semester. Students will be subject to dismissal from the University if their upper division technical GPA falls below 2.000. 
  • A minimum overall GPA of 2.000, and a minimum 2.000 GPA in upper division technical course work required of the major are required to graduate.

Unit Requirements

  • A minimum of 120 units are required to graduate.
  • A maximum of 16 units of Special Studies coursework (courses numbered 97, 98, 99, 197, 198, or 199) will count towards the 120 units; a maximum of four are allowed in a given semester.
  • A maximum of four units of Physical Education from any school attended will count towards the 120 units.
  • Passed grades may account for no more than one third of the total units completed at UC Berkeley, Fall Program for Freshmen (FPF), UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), or UC Berkeley Washington Program (UCDC) toward the 120 overall minimum unit requirement. Transfer credit is not factored into the limit. This includes transfer units from outside of the UC system, other UC campuses, credit-bearing exams, as well as UC Berkeley Extension XB units.

UC and Campus Requirements

University of California Requirements

Entry Level Writing

All students who will enter the University of California as freshmen must demonstrate their command of the English language by satisfying the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR). The UC Entry Level Writing Requirement website provides information on how to satisfy the requirement.

American History and American Institutions

The American History and Institutions (AH&I) requirements are based on the principle that a US resident graduated from an American university should have an understanding of the history and governmental institutions of the United States.

Campus Requirement

American Cultures

The American Cultures requirement is a Berkeley campus requirement, one that all undergraduate students at Berkeley need to pass in order to graduate. You satisfy the requirement by passing, with a grade not lower than C- or P, an American Cultures course. You may take an American Cultures course any time during your undergraduate career at Berkeley. The requirement was instituted in 1991 to introduce students to the diverse cultures of the United States through a comparative framework. Courses are offered in more than fifty departments in many different disciplines at both the lower and upper division level.


Plan of Study

Science Elective23-5AERO ENG 21
ECON 1 or 25,64Reading and Composition A54
UGBA 196 (M.E.T. Introductory Topics)2UGBA 10X53
 18-20 20
MATH 5354MATH 54 or PHYSICS 8954
Reading and Composition B54ENGIN 178 or DATA C100 AND DATA 88S OR UGBA 983, 54
UGBA Upper Division Elective2Historical Studies Breadth / American Cultures4
 18 20
MEC ENG 1063MEC ENG 100, EL ENG 120, or EECS 1494
CIV ENG 126 or MEC ENG 1043UGBA 101A3
EL ENG C128, MEC ENG C134, or MEC ENG 13284MEC ENG 16383
International Studies breadth / American Cultures3UGBA 1053
UGBA 196 (M.E.T. Capstone Course)2Arts & Literature Breadth / American Cultures3
UGBA 1002UGBA Upper Division Elective2
UGBA 10763 
 20 18
Technical Elective73Technical Elective73
Technical Elective74Technical Elective73
MEC ENG 103 (Aerospace Lab)4AERO ENG 100 (Capstone)4
UGBA 101B3UGBA 1034
UBGA 102A3UGBA 102B3
UGBA 1043UGBA 1063
 20 20
Total Units: 154-156


A minimum of 120 units is required for graduation.


All M.E.T. tracks must follow the M.E.T. Exam Credit Guidelines


Choose one of ASTRON 7A, ASTRON 10, BIOLOGY 1A/BIOLOGY 1AL, BIOLOGY 1B, CHEM 1A/CHEM 1AL, CHEM 1B, CHEM 3A/CHEM 3AL, CHEM 3B/CHEM 3BL, CHEM 4A, CHEM 4B, MCELLBI 32, or PHYSICS 7C. Some of these courses require prerequisites and would therefore be more appropriately taken in a later semester. Students who plan to take MEC ENG 40 for their Thermodynamics requirement in sophomore year will need to take CHEM 1A/CHEM 1AL to fulfill their Science Elective.


MATH 53 and MATH 54 are recommended before ENGIN 178, MATH 53 and MATH 54 are allowed concurrently. ENGIN 178 OR DATA C100 AND DATA C88S or UGBA 88 fulfills the Statistics prerequisite for Haas.


Free electives can be selected from any engineering or physical science programs.


UGBA prerequisite / must be completed by the spring semester sophomore* year. (*R&C A must be completed by Summer between Frosh / Soph years.)


Fulfills Haas breadth requirements as follows: ECON 1 or ECON 2 for Social & Behaviorial breadth; PHYSICS 7B for Physical Science breadth; UGBA 107 will be accepted for the Philosophy and Values breadth. The Biological Science breadth is waived for M.E.T. students.


Technical electives: Four elective courses must be selected from two of the areas listed below:


Please note that MEC ENG 132 is a fall only class.  MEC ENG 163 and MEC ENG C134 are spring only classes.

Major Map

Major maps are experience maps that help undergraduates plan their Berkeley journey based on intended major or field of interest. Featuring student opportunities and resources from your college and department as well as across campus, each map includes curated suggestions for planning your studies, engaging outside the classroom, and pursuing your career goals in a timeline format.

Use the major map below to explore potential paths and design your own unique undergraduate experience:

View the Aerospace Engineering and Business Administration Major Map

Related Courses

Contact Information

Berkeley M.E.T.

130 Blum Hall, MC 5590

Visit Program Website

Faculty Director

Saikat Chaudhuri, Ph.D.

230 Blum Hall, MC 5590

Program Director

Dawn Kramer

230 Blum Hall, MC 5590

Executive Director

Chris Dito

230 Blum Hall, MC 5590

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