Rangeland and Wildlife Management

University of California, Berkeley


An interdepartmental group of faculty members — from the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) and related departments at UC Berkeley — administers the Rangeland and Wildlife Management Masters program. The program prepares students with a bachelor's degree in resource management or related disciplines to pursue advanced work. Graduate study leads to a Master of Science degree that serves as the basis for a professional career in rangeland management. Fields of specialization include grassland, savanna, and shrubland ecology, rangeland rehabilitation, wetland ecology, and rangeland policy.

Doctoral work in range management may be pursued as part of the PhD program in ESPM.

Undergraduate Program

There is no undergraduate program in Rangeland and Wildlife Management.

Graduate Program

Rangeland and Wildlife Management: MS

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Contact Information

Rangeland and Wildlife Management Program

131 Mulford Hall

Phone: 510-642-1546

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Department Chair

Michael Mascarenhas

130 Mulford Hall

Phone: 510-643-7430


Head Graduate Adviser

Lynn Huntsinger, PhD

313 Hilgard Hall

Phone: 510-685-1884


Graduate Student Affairs Officer

Zarah Ersoff

137 Mulford Hall

Phone: 510-642-1546


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