Disability Studies

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program


The Disability Studies minor provides a space to explore questions such as these: How has disability been defined in various historical moments, in various cultures and eras? While impairment has unquestionably been a frequent experience throughout human history, has disability—the construction of impairment as a generic social category—been a historical constant, or is it a modern invention? What social ideologies, cultural systems, and societal arrangements have shaped the meaning and experience of disability? How has disability been defined or represented in cultural and artistic productions, public laws and policies, modern professional practices, and everyday life?

Declaring the Minor

Students may declare the minor by submitting the Minor Declaration Form below once they have completed three minor courses, including a core course, no later than the term before their Expected Graduation Term (EGT). In your final semester, students need to submit the Minor Completion Form via email to michellerh@berkeley.edu.

No later than the semester before your Expected Graduation Term (EGT) semester, please submit the following form:

Disability Studies Minor Declaration Form

In your final semester, please submit the following documents: 

Completion of L&S Minor Form - Please be sure to have your major advisor sign page 2 of the Completion of L&S Minor form acknowledging that you are sharing no more than one class between your major and the minor.

Visit Program Website

Minor Requirements

Students who have a strong interest in an area of study outside their major often decide to complete a minor program. These programs have set requirements.

General Guidelines

  1. All minors must be declared before the first day of classes in your Expected Graduation Term (EGT). For summer graduates, minors must be declared prior to the first day of Summer Session A. 

  2. All upper-division courses must be taken for a letter grade. 

  3. A minimum of three of the upper-division courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements must be completed at UC Berkeley.

  4. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required in the upper-division courses to fulfill the minor requirements.

  5. Courses used to fulfill the minor requirements may be applied toward the Seven-Course Breadth requirement, for Letters & Science students.

  6. No more than one upper division course may be used to simultaneously fulfill requirements for a student's major and minor programs.

  7. All minor requirements must be completed prior to the last day of finals during the semester in which the student plans to graduate. If students cannot finish all courses required for the minor by that time, they should see a College of Letters & Science adviser.

  8. All minor requirements must be completed within the unit ceiling. (For further information regarding the unit ceiling, please see the College Requirements tab.)


Required Core Courses:
UGIS 110Introduction to Disability Studies3
Plus one of the following courses:
ANTHRO 189Special Topics in Social/Cultural Anthropology (Disability, Ethnography and Design ) Disability, Ethnography, and Design4
CY PLAN 120Community Planning and Public Policy for Disability3
ENGLISH 175Literature and Disability4
ENGLISH 180AAutobiography Disability Memoir4
ESPM 149Bodies, Difference, and the Environment4
Select three of the following electives:
ANTHRO 115Introduction to Medical Anthropology4
ANTHRO 196Undergraduate Seminar4
ANTHRO 119Special Topics in Medical Anthropology4
ARCH 169Special Topics in Construction Materials (when Introduction to ADA and Universal Design)1-4
ARCH 269Special Topics in Construction and Materials (when Introduction to ADA and Universal Design)1-4
ART 118Advanced Drawing: Remixing the Figure4
ART 160Special Topics in Visual Studies4
ART 165Art, Medicine, and Disabilities4
CHICANO 176Chicanos and Health Care3
CY PLAN 117ACUrban & Community Health3
CY PLAN 218Transportation Planning Studio4
COMPSCI 160User Interface Design and Development4
EA LANG 114Illness Narratives, Vulnerable Bodies4
EA LANG 160Neurodiversity in Literature4
ECON 157Health Economics4
EDUC 188FLanguage, Race, and Power in Education3
ENGLISH 80KChildren's Literature4
ENGLISH 135ACLiterature of American Cultures4
ENGLISH 165Special Topics4
ENGLISH 166Special Topics4
ESPM 150Special Topics in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management2-4
ESPM 162Bioethics and Society4
ESPM C254Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Health Status4
ESPM C282Health Implications of Climate Change3
ETH STD 103CProseminar: Issues in the Fields of Ethnic Studies: Racialization and Contemporary Communities4
ETH STD 190ACAdvanced Seminar in Ethnic Studies3-4
GEOG 170Special Topics in Geography3
GLOBAL 173International Human Rights4
GWS 100ACWomen in American Culture3
GWS 111Special Topics (when topic is Disability Justice or Women with Disability in Film and Literature)1-4
GWS 129Bodies and Boundaries4
GWS 130ACGender, Race, Nation, and Health4
GWS 133ACWomen, Men, and Other Animals: Human Animality in American Cultures4
GWS C180YGender, Sex and Power4
HISTART 182Histories of Photography4
HISTART 190DSpecial Topics in Fields of Art History: 15th-16th Century4
HUM 196Mentored Research3
ITALIAN 120Topics in Italian Studies4
LD ARCH 140Social and Psychological Factors in Open Space Design3
LEGALST 137Comparative Equality Law3
LEGALST 154Human Rights, Research & Practice4
LEGALST 159Law & Sexuality4
LGBT 100Special Topics4
LINGUIS 1AAmerican Sign Language I5
LINGUIS 1BAmerican Sign Language II5
LINGUIS 2AAmerican Sign Language 35
MEDIAST 190Special Topics in Media Studies2-4
PACS 148ACSocial Movements, Urban Histories, and the Politics of Memory4
PB HLTH 116Seminar on Social, Political, and Ethical Issues in Health and Medicine3
PB HLTH 126Health Economics and Public Policy3
PB HLTH 130Advanced Health Policy3
PB HLTH 150DIntroduction to Health Policy and Management3
PB HLTH 150EUrban and Community Health3
PB HLTH C160Environmental Health and Development4
PB HLTH 222ABiomedical Innovation Policy3
PB HLTH 226DGlobal Health Economics3
PB HLTH 290Health Issues Seminars1-4
PUB POL 200Introduction to Policy Analysis4
PSYCH 131Developmental Psychopathology3
SOC WEL 210CA Multilevel Approach to Working with Older Adults2
SOC WEL 245Course Not Available2
SOC WEL 246Course Not Available2
SOC WEL 250LHuman Sexuality2
SOC WEL 275Course Not Available2
SOCIOL 113Sociology of Education4
SOCIOL 113ACSociology of Education4
SOCIOL C115Sociology of Health and Medicine4
SOCIOL 137ACEnvironmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environment4
UGIS 112Women and Disability3
UGIS 113Disability Studies in Practice3

Please visit the minor website to review the master list of Disability Studies minor electives, updated each semester.

Contact Information

Disability Studies Group Minor

263 Evans Hall


Visit Program Website

Program Director


Minor Advisor

Michelle Herrera

263 Evans Hall


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