
University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

UC Berkeley offers two bachelors' degrees in Chemistry: a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) through the College of Chemistry and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) through the College of Letters and Science. For specific information regarding degree requirements for each, please refer to the information below, and the appropriate Major Requirements and College Requirements tabs on this page.

B.S. in Chemistry, College of Chemistry

The B.S. in Chemistry degree provides a strong foundation in experimental processes, instrumentation, and quantitative analysis. Students will also acquire a strong foundation in math and physics, having taken the higher level sequences of these courses.

The B.S. in Chemistry is intended for students who are primarily interested in careers as professional chemists (e.g. in environmental, pharmaceutical, materials, and industrial chemistry), or wish to have a thorough grounding in chemistry in preparation for professional or graduate school in chemistry, a scientific career in government or industry, a teaching career, or related career tracks. Students in the B.S. program may also choose to pursue the Computational Chemistry or Materials Chemistry concentrations.

B.A. in Chemistry, College of Letters & Science

The B.A. in Chemistry includes a greater number of humanities and social science courses than the Bachelor of Science degree and is intended for those interested in careers in teaching, medicine, or other sciences in which a basic understanding of chemical processes is necessary.

Students who want to pursue the B.A. should apply for admission to the College of Letters & Science.

Minor Program

The College of Chemistry offers a minor in Chemistry. Chemical biology majors are not eligible to pursue this minor. Students must submit a notification of completion of the minor to the College of Chemistry Undergraduate Student Services Office.

Visit Department Website

Major Requirements (BS)

In addition to the University, campus, and college requirements, listed on the College Requirements tab, students must fulfill the below requirements specific to their major program.

General Guidelines

  1. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained in all courses undertaken at UC Berkeley, including those from UC Summer Sessions, UC Education Abroad Program, UC Berkeley in Washington Program, and XB courses from University Extension.
  2. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in all courses taken in the college is required in order to advance and continue in upper division courses.
  3. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in all upper division courses taken at the University is required to satisfy major requirements.
  4. Chemistry majors who receive a grade of D+ or lower in a chemistry course for which a grade of C- or higher is required must repeat the course at UC Berkeley.

For information regarding grade requirements in specific courses, please see the notes sections below.

For information regarding residence requirements and unit requirements, please see the College Requirements tab.

Please note, the Academic Guide is updated once a year. For the most up to date requirements information, please take a look at the College of Chemistry website.

Lower Division Requirements

CHEM 4AGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis5
or CHEM 1A
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 4BGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis5
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry5
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry5
MATH 51/1ACalculus I (MATH 51 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 52/1BCalculus II (MATH 52 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 53Multivariable Calculus4
MATH 54Linear Algebra and Differential Equations4
PHYSICS 7APhysics for Scientists and Engineers4
PHYSICS 7BPhysics for Scientists and Engineers4


  1. Students should take CHEM 4A or CHEM 1A and CHEM 1AL and CHEM 4B during their freshman year, and CHEM 12A and CHEM 12B during their sophomore year.
  2. A grade of C- or better is required in CHEM 4A or CHEM 1A and CHEM 1AL before taking CHEM 4B, in CHEM 4B before taking more advanced courses, and in CHEM 12A before taking CHEM 12B.
  3. A grade of C- or better is recommended in CHEM 12A before taking BIOLOGY 1A.
  4. Students who join the program after completing a general chemistry sequence that does not include quantitative analysis are required to take CHEM 4B or CHEM 105.
  5. Students who join the program after completing CHEM 3A plus CHEM 3AL and CHEM 3B plus CHEM 3BL at Berkeley are allowed to substitute those courses for CHEM 12A and CHEM 12B. Students who join the program after completing only CHEM 3A plus CHEM 3AL at Berkeley are recommended to take CHEM 12B.
  6. Students must take CHEM 96 during the fall term of their sophomore year at Berkeley.
  7. Students should start MATH 1A in the first semester of their freshman year. MATH 10A and MATH 10B may be substituted for MATH 1A and MATH 1B
  8. Students should start PHYSICS 7A in the second semester of the freshman year. PHYSICS 5A and PHYSICS 5B plus PHYSICS 5BL may be substituted for PHYSICS 7A and PHYSICS 7B.
  9. Students may substitute PHYSICS 89 for MATH 54.

Upper Division Requirements

For information regarding the upper division requirements for the Materials Chemistry concentration, see below.

CHEM 104AAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 104BAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 120APhysical Chemistry3
CHEM 120BPhysical Chemistry3
CHEM 125Physical Chemistry Laboratory3
or CHEM C182 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
Select one of the following:4
Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry [4]
Inorganic Synthesis and Reactions [4]
Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods [4]
Radiochemical Methods in Nuclear Technology and Forensics [3]
Select 12 units of upper division chemistry and allied subjects courses (see below) 112
One course must be an additional lecture course (or lab/lecture course) in Chemistry as approved by the student's staff adviser

Advanced Placement, Advanced Level, and International Baccalaureate credit cannot be applied to this requirement.

No more than 4 units of research (e.g., CHEM H194 and CHEM 196) may be used to satisfy this requirement.

If a course is used to satisfy another requirement, the course cannot also be used to satisfy the upper division Chemistry and Allied Subjects requirement.

Allied Subjects Courses

ASTRON C162Planetary Astrophysics4
BIO ENG 100Ethics in Science and Engineering3
BIO ENG 104Biological Transport Phenomena4
BIO ENG 111Functional Biomaterials Development and Characterization4
BIO ENG C112Molecular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the Cell4
BIO ENG 115Tissue Engineering Lab4
BIO ENG C117Structural Aspects of Biomaterials4
BIO ENG C118Biological Performance of Materials4
BIO ENG C119Orthopedic Biomechanics4
BIO ENG 121BioMEMS and Medical Devices4
BIO ENG 131Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell Biology4
BIO ENG 143Course Not Available
BIO ENG 147Principles of Synthetic Biology4
BIO ENG 150Introduction of Bionanoscience and Bionanotechnology4
BIO ENG 151Course Not Available
BIO ENG 163Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biophotonics4
BIO ENG C181The Berkeley Lectures on Energy: Energy from Biomass3
CHM ENG 140Introduction to Chemical Process Analysis4
CHM ENG 141Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics4
CHM ENG 142Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Engineering4
CHM ENG 150ATransport Processes4
CHM ENG 150BTransport and Separation Processes4
CHM ENG 154Chemical Engineering Laboratory4
CHM ENG 160Chemical Process Design4
CHM ENG 162Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes4
CHM ENG 170ABiochemical Engineering4
CHM ENG 170BBiochemical Engineering4
CHM ENG C170LBiochemical Engineering Laboratory3
CHM ENG 171Transport Phenomena3
CHM ENG 176Principles of Electrochemical Processes3
CHM ENG C178Polymer Science and Technology3
CHM ENG 179Process Technology of Solid-State Materials Devices3
CHM ENG 180Chemical Engineering Economics3
CHM ENG H194Research for Advanced Undergraduates2-4
CHM ENG 195Special Topics2-4
CHM ENG C195AThe Berkeley Lectures on Energy: Energy from Biomass3
CHM ENG 196Special Laboratory Study2-4
CHEM 100Communicating Chemistry (limited to 2 units)2
CHEM 103Inorganic Chemistry in Living Systems (limited to 2 units) 13
CHEM 105Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry4
CHEM 108Inorganic Synthesis and Reactions4
CHEM C110LGeneral Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory4
CHEM 113Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry3
CHEM 114Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry3
CHEM 115Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods4
CHEM 122Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy3
CHEM 125Physical Chemistry Laboratory3
CHEM C130Biophysical Chemistry: Physical Principles and the Molecules of Life4
CHEM 130BBiophysical Chemistry (limited to unit 2 units) 13
CHEM 135Chemical Biology3
CHEM C138The Berkeley Lectures on Energy: Energy from Biomass3
CHEM 143Nuclear Chemistry2
CHEM C150Introduction to Materials Chemistry3
CHEM C170LBiochemical Engineering Laboratory3
CHEM C178Polymer Science and Technology3
CHEM C182Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Laboratory3
CHEM C191Introduction to Quantum Computing4
CHEM 192Individual Study for Advanced Undergraduates1-3
CHEM H194Research for Advanced Undergraduates2-6
CHEM 195Special Topics3
CHEM 196Special Laboratory Study2-6
CIV ENG C106Air Pollution3
CIV ENG 111Environmental Engineering3
CIV ENG 112Water & Wastewater Systems Design and Operation3
CIV ENG 114Environmental Microbiology3
CIV ENG 115Water Chemistry3
CIV ENG C116Chemistry of Soils3
CIV ENG C133Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method3
CIV ENG 165Concrete Materials, Construction, and Sustainability3
COMPSCI 160User Interface Design and Development4
COMPSCI 162Operating Systems and System Programming4
COMPSCI 164Programming Languages and Compilers4
COMPSCI 170Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems4
COMPSCI 174Combinatorics and Discrete Probability4
COMPSCI 184Foundations of Computer Graphics4
COMPSCI C191Introduction to Quantum Computing4
EPS 103Introduction to Aquatic and Marine Geochemistry4
EPS C129Biometeorology3
EPS 131Geochemistry4
EPS C162Planetary Astrophysics4
EPS C180Air Pollution3
EPS C181Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics3
EPS C182Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Laboratory3
EPS C183Carbon Cycle Dynamics3
ECON C103Introduction to Mathematical Economics4
EDUC 223BSpecial Problems in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (graduate-level; requires consent of instructor)2-6
EDUC 224AMathematical Thinking and Problem Solving (graduate-level; requires consent of instructor)3
ENGIN 117Methods of Engineering Analysis3
ENGIN 128Advanced Engineering Design Graphics3
ESPM 120Science of Soils3
ESPM C128Chemistry of Soils3
ESPM C129Biometeorology3
ESPM C138Introduction to Comparative Virology4
ESPM C148Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology3
ESPM 162Bioethics and Society4
ESPM 162AHealth, Medicine, Society and Environment4
ESPM C180Air Pollution3
IND ENG 172Probability and Risk Analysis for Engineers4
MAT SCI 102Bonding, Crystallography, and Crystal Defects3
MAT SCI 103Phase Transformations and Kinetics3
MAT SCI 104Materials Characterization3
MAT SCI 111Properties of Electronic Materials4
MAT SCI 112Corrosion (Chemical Properties)3
MAT SCI 113Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials3
MAT SCI 117Properties of Dielectric and Magnetic Materials3
MAT SCI C118Biological Performance of Materials4
MAT SCI 120Materials Production3
MAT SCI 121Metals Processing3
MAT SCI 122Ceramic Processing3
MAT SCI 125Thin-Film Materials Science3
MAT SCI 130Experimental Materials Science and Design3
MAT SCI 140Nanomaterials for Scientists and Engineers3
MAT SCI 151Polymeric Materials3
MATH C103Introduction to Mathematical Economics4
MATH 104Introduction to Analysis4
MATH H104Honors Introduction to Analysis4
MATH 105Second Course in Analysis4
MATH 110Abstract Linear Algebra4
MATH H110Honors Linear Algebra4
MATH 113Introduction to Abstract Algebra4
MATH H113Honors Introduction to Abstract Algebra4
MATH 114Second Course in Abstract Algebra4
MATH 115Introduction to Number Theory4
MATH 121AMathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences4
MATH 121BMathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences4
MATH 123Ordinary Differential Equations4
MATH 125AMathematical Logic4
MATH 126Introduction to Partial Differential Equations4
MATH 128ANumerical Analysis4
MATH 128BNumerical Analysis4
MATH 130Groups and Geometries4
MATH 135Introduction to the Theory of Sets4
MATH 136Incompleteness and Undecidability4
MATH 140Metric Differential Geometry4
MATH 142Elementary Algebraic Topology4
MATH 170Mathematical Methods for Optimization4
MATH 185Introduction to Complex Analysis4
MATH H185Honors Introduction to Complex Analysis4
MATH 189Mathematical Methods in Classical and Quantum Mechanics4
MEC ENG C115Molecular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the Cell4
MEC ENG C117Structural Aspects of Biomaterials4
MEC ENG 118Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoscience3
MEC ENG C176Orthopedic Biomechanics4
MEC ENG C180Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method3
MCELLBI C100ABiophysical Chemistry: Physical Principles and the Molecules of Life4
MCELLBI C103Bacterial Pathogenesis3
MCELLBI 104Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology4
MCELLBI 110Molecular Biology: Macromolecular Synthesis and Cellular Function4
MCELLBI C110LGeneral Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory4
MCELLBI C112General Microbiology4
MCELLBI C112LGeneral Microbiology Laboratory3
MCELLBI C114Introduction to Comparative Virology4
MCELLBI C116Microbial Diversity3
MCELLBI 133LPhysiology and Cell Biology Laboratory4
MCELLBI 135ATopics in Cell and Developmental Biology: Molecular Endocrinology3
MCELLBI 140General Genetics4
MCELLBI 140LGenetics Laboratory4
MCELLBI 141Developmental Biology4
MCELLBI 143Evolution of Genomes, Cells, and Development3
MCELLBI C148Microbial Genomics and Genetics4
MCELLBI 150Molecular Immunology4
MCELLBI 150LImmunology Laboratory4
MCELLBI 160LCourse Not Available
NUC ENG 101Nuclear Reactions and Radiation4
NUC ENG 104Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory4
NUC ENG 107Introduction to Imaging3
NUC ENG 120Nuclear Materials4
NUC ENG 124Radioactive Waste Management3
NUC ENG 130Analytical Methods for Non-proliferation3
NUC ENG 150Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory4
NUC ENG 161Nuclear Power Engineering4
NUC ENG 162Radiation Biophysics and Dosimetry3
NUC ENG 170ANuclear Design: Design in Nuclear Power Technology and Instrumentation3
NUC ENG 170BNuclear Design: Design in Bionuclear, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiation Therapy3
NUC ENG 180Introduction to Controlled Fusion3
NUSCTX 103Nutrient Function and Metabolism4
NUSCTX 108AIntroduction and Application of Food Science3
NUSCTX 110Course Not Available
NUSCTX 115Course Not Available
NUSCTX 160Metabolic Bases of Human Health and Diseases4
NUSCTX 171Course Not Available
PHYSICS 7CPhysics for Scientists and Engineers (must be completed with a grade of C- or better)4
PHYSICS 105Analytic Mechanics4
PHYSICS 110AElectromagnetism and Optics4
PHYSICS 110BElectromagnetism and Optics4
PHYSICS 112Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics4
PHYSICS 130Quantum and Nonlinear Optics3
PHYSICS 137BQuantum Mechanics4
PHYSICS 138Modern Atomic Physics3
PHYSICS 141ASolid State Physics4
PHYSICS 141BSolid State Physics3
PHYSICS C191Introduction to Quantum Computing4
PLANTBI C103Bacterial Pathogenesis3
PLANTBI C112General Microbiology4
PLANTBI C112LGeneral Microbiology Laboratory3
PLANTBI C114Introduction to Comparative Virology4
PLANTBI C116Microbial Diversity3
PLANTBI 120Biology of Algae2
PLANTBI 120LLaboratory for Biology of Algae2
PLANTBI 122Bioenergy and Bioproduction2
PLANTBI C124The Berkeley Lectures on Energy: Energy from Biomass3
PLANTBI 135Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants3
PLANTBI C148Microbial Genomics and Genetics4
PLANTBI 150Plant Cell Biology3
PLANTBI 160Plant Molecular Genetics3
PLANTBI 170Modern Applications of Plant Biotechnology2
PLANTBI 180Environmental Plant Biology2
PB HLTH 142Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health4
PB HLTH 162APublic Health Microbiology4
STAT 134Concepts of Probability4
STAT 135Concepts of Statistics4

For CHEM 103 and CHEM 130B, only 2 of the 3 units will count towards Allied Subject requirement since they have overlapping concepts with required major courses. However, students will receive the full 3 units of credit towards their GPA and the 120 unit graduation requirement.

Upper Division Requirements: Computational Chemistry Concentration

CHEM 121Introduction to Computational Chemistry3
One course from each of the following areas:
1. Programming
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [4]
Computational Structures in Data Science [3]
Introduction to Computer Programming and Numerical Methods [4]
Programming for Mathematical Applications [4]
2. Mathematical, computational, and statistical methods
Data Structures [4]
Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) [4]
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory [4]
Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems [4]
Foundations of Data Science [4]
Discrete Mathematics [4]
Abstract Linear Algebra [4]
Mathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences [4]
Numerical Analysis [4]
Introduction to Mathematical Physics [4]
Concepts of Probability [4]
Probability for Data Science [4]
Stochastic Processes [3]
3. Advanced methods and applications
Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell Biology [4]
Course Not Available [4]
Introduction to Quantum Computing [4]
Algorithms for Computational Biology [4]
Introduction to Machine Learning [4]
Principles & Techniques of Data Science [4]
Computational Materials Science [3]
Mathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences [4]
Bayesian Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Physical Sciences [4]

Upper Division Requirements: Materials Chemistry Concentration

CHEM 104AAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 104BAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 120APhysical Chemistry3
CHEM 120BPhysical Chemistry3
CHEM C150Introduction to Materials Chemistry3
Select two laboratory courses from the following:
Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry [4]
Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
Inorganic Synthesis and Reactions [4]
Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods
Electives. Select 10 units of the following:10
Biological Performance of Materials [4]
Polymer Science and Technology [3]
Materials Characterization
and Materials Characterization Laboratory
Polymeric Materials [3]
Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoscience [3]
Solid State Physics [4]
Solid State Physics [3]

Major Requirements (BA)

In addition to the University, campus, and college requirements, listed on the College Requirements tab, students must fulfill the below requirements specific to their major program.

General Guidelines

  1. All courses taken to fulfill the major requirements below must be taken for graded credit, other than courses listed which are offered on a Pass/Fail basis only. Other exceptions to this requirement are noted as applicable.
  2. No more than one upper division course may be used to simultaneously fulfill requirements for a student's major and minor programs, with the exception of minors offered outside of the College of Letters & Science.
  3. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained in both upper and lower division courses used to fulfill the major requirements.

For information regarding residence requirements and unit requirements, please see the College Requirements tab.

Please note, the Academic Guide is updated once a year. For the most up to date requirements information, please take a look at the College of Chemistry website.

Lower Division Requirements

CHEM 4AGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis 1, 25
CHEM 4BGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis 1, 25
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry 35
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry5
MATH 51/1ACalculus I (MATH 51 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 52/1BCalculus II (MATH 52 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 53Multivariable Calculus4
MATH 54Linear Algebra and Differential Equations4
PHYSICS 7APhysics for Scientists and Engineers4
PHYSICS 7BPhysics for Scientists and Engineers4

 A grade of C- or better is required in CHEM 4A before taking CHEM 4B, and in CHEM 4B before taking more advanced courses.


 Students who declare the major after completing a general chemistry sequence that does not include quantitative analysis are required to take CHEM 4B or CHEM 105.


 A grade of C- or better in Chem 12A is required before taking Chem 12B.

Upper Division Requirements

CHEM 104AAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry 13
CHEM 104BAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry 13
CHEM 120APhysical Chemistry 33
CHEM 120BPhysical Chemistry 33
Select one of the following:4
Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry [4]
Inorganic Synthesis and Reactions [4]
Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods [4]
Physical Chemistry Laboratory [3] 3
Biochemical Engineering Laboratory [3]
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Laboratory [3]

CHEM 103 and CHEM 135 may be substituted for CHEM 104A and CHEM 104B.


  A grade of C- or higher is required in CHEM 120A and CHEM 120B if taken before CHEM 125.

Minor Requirements

Students who have a strong interest in an area of study outside their major often decide to complete a minor program. These programs have set requirements and are noted officially on the transcript in the memoranda section, but are not noted on diplomas.

General Guidelines

  1. All minors must be declared no later than one semester before a student's Expected Graduation Term (EGT). If the semester before EGT is fall or spring, the deadline is the last day of RRR week. If the semester before EGT is summer, the deadline is the final Friday of Summer Sessions. To declare a minor, contact the department advisor for information on requirements, and the declaration process.
  2. All courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements below must be taken for graded credit.
  3. A minimum of three of the upper division courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements must be completed at UC Berkeley.
  4. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for courses used to fulfill the minor requirements.
  5. Students must consult with their college/school for information regarding overlap of courses between their majors and minors.


  1. Two semesters of organic chemistry (Chem 3A/L & 3B/L or Chem 12A & 12B)
  2. Chem 120A, 120B, Chem C130, or Chem 130B (physical or biophysical chemistry)
  3. Chem 103 or 104A (inorganic chemistry)
  4. Two additional upper division Chemistry courses taken at Berkeley, excluding courses numbered 190-199;  the two additional courses may be graduate level but will need to be the entire module ABC to satisfy the requirement.
Organic chemistry options:10
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
and Chemical Structure and Reactivity
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
Physical or biophysical chemistry options (choose one):
CHEM 120APhysical Chemistry3
CHEM 120BPhysical Chemistry3
CHEM C130Biophysical Chemistry: Physical Principles and the Molecules of Life4
CHEM 130BBiophysical Chemistry3
Inorganic chemistry options (choose one):
CHEM 103Inorganic Chemistry in Living Systems3
CHEM 104AAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry3

College Requirements (BS)

All students in the College of Chemistry are required to complete the University requirements of American CulturesAmerican History and Institutions, and Entry-Level Writing.  In addition, they must satisfy the following College requirements:

Reading and Composition

In order to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking the College requires lower division work in composition.

  • Chemical Engineering majors: A-level Reading and Composition course (e.g., English R1A) by end of the first year
  • Chemical Biology and Chemistry majors: A- and B-level courses by end of the second year
  • R&C courses must be taken for a letter grade
  • English courses at other institutions may satisfy the requirement(s); check with your Undergraduate Adviser
  • After admission to Berkeley, credit for English at another institution will not be granted if the Entry Level Writing requirement has not been satisfied

Humanities and Social Sciences Breadth Requirement: Chemistry & Chemical Biology majors

The College of Chemistry’s humanities and social sciences breadth requirement promotes educational experiences that enrich and complement the technical requirements for each major.  

  • 15 units total; includes Reading & Composition and American Cultures courses
  • Remaining units must come from the following L&S breadth areas, excluding courses which only teach a skill (such as drawing or playing an instrument):

Arts and Literature
Foreign Language1,2
Historical Studies
International Studies
Philosophy and Values
Social and Behavioral Sciences

To find course options for breadth, go to the Berkeley Academic Guide Class Schedule, select the term of interest, and use the 'Breadth Requirements' filter to select the breadth area(s) of interest.

  • Breadth courses may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis (excluding Reading and Composition)
  • AP, IB, and GCE A-level exam credit may be used to satisfy the breadth requirement

Elementary-level courses may not be in the student's native language and may not be structured primarily to teach the reading of scientific literature.

For Chemistry and Chemical Biology majors, elementary-level foreign language courses are not accepted toward the 15 unit breadth requirement if they are used (or are duplicates of high school courses used) to satisfy the Foreign Language requirement.

Foreign Language (Language Other Than English [LOTE]) Requirement

Applies to Chemistry and Chemical Biology majors only.

The LOTE requirement may be satisfied with one language other than English, in one of the following ways:

  • By completing in high school the third year of one language other than English with minimum grades of C-.
  • By completing at Berkeley the second semester of a sequence of courses in one language other than English, or the equivalent at another institution. Only LOTE courses that include reading and composition, as well as conversation, are accepted in satisfaction of this requirement. LOTE courses may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis.
  • By demonstrating equivalent knowledge of a language other than English through examination, including a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Examination with a score of 3 or higher (if taken before admission to college), an SAT II: Subject Test with a score of 590 or higher, or a proficiency examination offered by some departments at Berkeley or at another campus of the University of California.

Humanities and Social Sciences Breadth Requirement: Chemical Engineering major

  • 22 units total; includes Reading and Composition and American Cultures courses
  • Breadth Series requirement: As part of the 22 units, students must complete two courses, at least one being upper division, in the same or very closely allied humanities or social science department(s).  AP credit may be used to satisfy the lower division aspect of the requirement.
  • Breadth Series courses and all remaining units must come from the following lists of approved humanities and social science courses, excluding courses which only teach a skill (such as drawing or playing an instrument):

Arts and Literature
Foreign Language1,2
Historical Studies
International Studies
Philosophy and Values

To find course options for breadth, go to the Berkeley Academic Guide Class Schedule, select the term of interest, and use the 'Breadth Requirements' filter to select the breadth area(s) of interest.

  • Breadth courses may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis (excluding Reading and Composition)
  • AP, IB, and GCE A-level exam credit may be used to satisfy the breadth requirement

Elementary-level courses may not be in the student's native language and may not be structured primarily to teach the reading of scientific literature.

For chemical engineering majors, no more that six units of language other than English may be counted toward the 22 unit breadth requirement.

Class Schedule Requirements

  • Minimum units per semester: 13
  • Maximum units per semester: 19.5
  • 12 units of course work each semester must satisfy degree requirements
  • Chemical Engineering freshmen and Chemistry majors are required to enroll in a minimum of one chemistry course each semester
  • After the freshman year, Chemical Engineering majors must enroll in a minimum of one chemical engineering course each semester

Semester Limit

  • Students who entered as freshmen: 8 semesters

  • Chemistry & Chemical Biology majors who entered as transfer students: 4 semesters

  • Chemical Engineering and Joint majors who entered as transfer students: 5 semesters

Summer sessions are excluded when determining the limit on semesters. Students who wish to delay graduation to complete a minor, a double major, or simultaneous degrees must request approval for delay of graduation before what would normally be their final two semesters. The College of Chemistry does not have a rule regarding maximum units that a student can accumulate.

Senior Residence

After 90 units toward the bachelor’s degree have been completed, at least 24 of the remaining units must be completed in residence in the College of Chemistry, in at least two semesters (the semester in which the 90 units are exceeded, plus at least one additional semester).

To count as a semester of residence for this requirement, a program must include at least 4 units of successfully completed courses. A summer session can be credited as a semester in residence if this minimum unit requirement is satisfied.

Juniors and seniors who participate in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) for a full year may meet a modified senior residence requirement. After 60 units toward the bachelor’s degree have been completed, at least 24 (excluding EAP) of the remaining units must be completed in residence in the College of Chemistry, in at least two semesters. At least 12 of the 24 units must be completed after the student has already completed 90 units. Undergraduate Dean’s approval for the modified senior residence requirement must be obtained before enrollment in the Education Abroad Program.

Minimum Total Units

A student must successfully complete at least 120 semester units in order to graduate.

Minimum Academic Requirements

A student must earn at least a C average (2.0 GPA) in all courses undertaken at UC, including those from UC Summer Sessions, UC Education Abroad Program, and UC Berkeley Washington Program, as well as XB courses from University Extension.

Minimum Course Grade Requirements

Students in the College of Chemistry who receive a grade of D+ or lower in a chemical engineering or chemistry course for which a grade of C- or higher is required must repeat the course at Berkeley.

Students in the College of Chemistry must achieve:

  • C- or higher in CHEM 4A before taking CHEM 4B

  • C- or higher in CHEM 4B before taking more advanced courses

  • C- or higher in CHEM 12A before taking CHEM 12B 

  • GPA of at least 2.0 in all courses taken in the college in order to advance to and continue in the upper division

Chemistry or chemical biology majors must also achieve:

Chemical engineering students must also achieve:

  • C- or higher in CHM ENG 140 before taking any other CBE courses

  • C- or higher in CHM ENG 150A to be eligible to take any other course in the 150 series

  • 2.0 GPA in all upper division courses taken at the University to satisfy major requirements

Chemical engineering students who do not achieve a grade of C- or higher in CHM ENG 140 on their first attempt are advised to change to another major. If the course is not passed with a grade of C- or higher on the second attempt, continuation in the Chemical Engineering program is normally not allowed.

Minimum Progress

To make normal progress toward a degree, undergraduates must successfully complete 30 units of coursework each year. The continued enrollment of students who do not maintain normal progress will be subject to the approval of the Undergraduate Dean. To achieve minimum academic progress, the student must meet two criteria:

  1. Completed no fewer units than 15 multiplied by the number of semesters, less one, in which the student has been enrolled at Berkeley. Summer sessions do not count as semesters for this purpose.

  2. A student’s class schedule must contain at least 13 units in any term, unless otherwise authorized by the staff adviser or the Undergraduate Dean.

College Requirements (BA)

Undergraduate students must fulfill the following requirements in addition to those required by their major program.

For a detailed lists of L&S requirements, please see Overview tab to the right in this guide or visit the L&S Degree Requirements webpage. For College advising appointments, please visit the L&S Advising Pages. 

University of California Requirements

Entry Level Writing

All students who will enter the University of California as freshmen must demonstrate their command of the English language by fulfilling the Entry Level Writing requirement. Fulfillment of this requirement is also a prerequisite to enrollment in all reading and composition courses at UC Berkeley and must be taken for a letter grade. 

American History and American Institutions

The American History and American Institutions requirements are based on the principle that all U.S. residents who have graduated from an American university should have an understanding of the history and governmental institutions of the United States.

Berkeley Campus Requirement

American Cultures

All undergraduate students at Cal need to take and pass this campus requirement course in order to graduate. The requirement offers an exciting intellectual environment centered on the study of race, ethnicity and culture of the United States. AC courses are plentiful and offer students opportunities to be part of research-led, highly accomplished teaching environments, grappling with the complexity of American Culture.

College of Letters & Science Essential Skills Requirements

Quantitative Reasoning

The Quantitative Reasoning requirement is designed to ensure that students graduate with basic understanding and competency in math, statistics, or computer/data science. The requirement may be satisfied by exam or by taking an approved course taken for a letter grade.

Foreign Language

The Foreign Language requirement may be satisfied by demonstrating proficiency in reading comprehension, writing, and conversation in a foreign language equivalent to the second semester college level, either by passing an exam or by completing approved course work taken for a letter grade.

Reading and Composition

In order to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking the College of Letters and Science requires two semesters of lower division work in composition in sequence. Students must complete parts A & B reading and composition courses in sequential order by the end of their fourth semester for a letter grade.

College of Letters & Science 7 Course Breadth Requirements

Breadth Requirements

The undergraduate breadth requirements provide Berkeley students with a rich and varied educational experience outside of their major program. As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. Engaging students in new disciplines and with peers from other majors, the breadth experience strengthens interdisciplinary connections and context that prepares Berkeley graduates to understand and solve the complex issues of their day.

Unit Requirements

  • 120 total units

  • Of the 120 units, 36 must be upper division units

  • Of the 36 upper division units, 6 must be taken in courses offered outside your major department
Residence Requirements

For units to be considered in "residence," you must be registered in courses on the Berkeley campus as a student in the College of Letters & Science. Most students automatically fulfill the residence requirement by attending classes at Cal for four years, or two years for transfer students. In general, there is no need to be concerned about this requirement, unless you graduate early, go abroad for a semester or year, or want to take courses at another institution or through UC Extension during your senior year. In these cases, you should make an appointment to meet an L&S College adviser to determine how you can meet the Senior Residence Requirement.

Note: Courses taken through UC Extension do not count toward residence.

Senior Residence Requirement

After you become a senior (with 90 semester units earned toward your B.A. degree), you must complete at least 24 of the remaining 30 units in residence in at least two semesters. To count as residence, a semester must consist of at least 6 passed units. Intercampus Visitor, EAP, and UC Berkeley-Washington Program (UCDC) units are excluded.

You may use a Berkeley Summer Session to satisfy one semester of the Senior Residence requirement, provided that you successfully complete 6 units of course work in the Summer Session and that you have been enrolled previously in the college.

Modified Senior Residence Requirement

Participants in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP), Berkeley Summer Abroad, or the UC Berkeley Washington Program (UCDC) may meet a Modified Senior Residence requirement by completing 24 (excluding EAP) of their final 60 semester units in residence. At least 12 of these 24 units must be completed after you have completed 90 units.

Upper Division Residence Requirement

You must complete in residence a minimum of 18 units of upper division courses (excluding UCEAP units), 12 of which must satisfy the requirements for your major.

Student Learning Goals


The Chemistry major provides training for students planning careers in the chemical sciences and also for those whose interests lie in biology, medicine, earth sciences, secondary education, business, and law. More than half of the total Berkeley undergraduate population will, at some stage of their degree program, take a course from the Department of Chemistry. The curriculum of the department is designed to satisfy the diverse needs of all these students.

Each Chemistry graduate will have completed an integrated, rigorous program which includes foundational course work in chemistry and in-depth course work in chemistry or chemistry-related fields. The ACS-certified degree further emphasizes laboratory experience and the development of professional skills. Advanced coursework and educational activities outside the traditional classroom, such as independent research, provide students the opportunity to conduct individual research projects or participate as a member of a research team. Many undergraduate students also benefit from taking our graduate courses in synthetic and physical chemistry.

At graduation, Chemistry majors will have a set of fundamental competencies that are knowledge-based, performance/skills-based, and effective.  

Learning Goals of the Major

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Master a broad set of chemical knowledge concerning the fundamentals in the basic areas of the discipline (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and biological chemistry).
  2. Solve problems competently by identifying the essential parts of a problem and formulating a strategy for solving the problem. They will be able to rationally estimate the solution to a problem, apply appropriate techniques to arrive at a solution, test the correctness of the solution, and interpret their results.
  3. Use computers in data acquisition and processing and use available software as a tool in data analysis.
  4. Employ modern library search tools to locate and retrieve scientific information about a topic, chemical, chemical technique, or an issue relating to chemistry.


Graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Understand the objective of their chemical experiments, properly carry out the experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results. 
  2. Use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments. 
  3. Know and follow the proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals. 
  4. Communicate the concepts and results of their laboratory experiments through effective writing and oral communication skills. 


Graduates will be able to:

  1. Successfully pursue their career objectives in advanced education in professional and/or graduate schools, in a scientific career in government or industry, in a teaching career in the school systems, or in a related career following graduation. 
    The relationship between the major's core curriculum and student learning outcomes can be seen in the Appendix in Table I.

Major Map

Major maps are experience maps that help undergraduates plan their Berkeley journey based on intended major or field of interest. Featuring student opportunities and resources from your college and department as well as across campus, each map includes curated suggestions for planning your studies, engaging outside the classroom, and pursuing your career goals in a timeline format.

Use the major map below to explore potential paths and design your own unique undergraduate experience:

View the Chemistry Major Map.



Contact Information

Department of Chemistry

419 Latimer Hall

Phone: 510-642-5882

Fax: 510-642-9675

Visit Department Website

Undergraduate Dean


121 Gilman Hall

Director of Undergraduate Student Services

Maura Daly

121 Gilman Hall

Phone: 510-643-0550

Lead Academic Advisor

Shamaya Pellum

121 Gilman Hall

Phone: 510-643-1745

Academic Advisor

Jahzeel Flores Morales

121 Gilman Hall

Phone: 510-642-7919

Academic Advisor

Mellia Kanani

121 Gilman Hall

Phone: 510-642-3451

Intake Advisor

Maritsi Perez

121 Gilman Hall

Phone: 510-664-5264

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