Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

Bachelor of Science (BS)

The Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences major (EECS), offered through the College of Engineering, combines fundamentals of computer science and electrical engineering in one major.

Note that students wishing to study computer science at UC Berkeley have two different major options: The EECS major leads to the Bachelor of Science (BS), while the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society offers a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. An essential difference between the two majors is that the EECS program requires a greater number of math and science courses than the CS program, which requires a greater number of non-technical, or breadth, courses. For further information on the BA program, please see the Computer Science program page in this Guide

After completing the required lower division courses, students in the EECS major are able to pursue coursework in computer science and/or electrical engineering, based on their personal interests. 

Admission to the Major

Prospective undergraduates to the College of Engineering apply to a specific major within the college. For further information, please see the College of Engineering's website.

Students accepted into colleges other than the College of Engineering will not be allowed to change to the College of Engineering in order to declare the EECS major. Prospective undergraduates interested in the EECS major must apply for admission to the College of Engineering.  


All UC Berkeley programs are accredited through the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC).

Honors Program

The EECS honors degree program is designed to provide accomplished undergraduate students a greater connection to the department. Honors students pursue undergraduate research and select an academic concentration outside of EECS. In addition, students receive a special faculty adviser, engage in research, receive official notation of the honors degree on their Berkeley transcript, and are invited to special events with faculty and EECS honors alumni.

For more information regarding this program, please visit the EECS Honors Program webpage.

Five-Year BS/MS Program

The Five-Year Bachelor/Master Program, called the 5th Year MS Program for short, offers qualified Berkeley EECS and CDSS Computer Science students a unique opportunity to begin graduate study immediately after their undergraduate program, thereby accelerating the master's degree by requiring only one additional year beyond the bachelor's degree. This is not a concurrent degree program. Students earn their bachelor's degree first and then the master's. However, careful planning during the undergraduate program allows motivated students to begin a research project and complete some master's course requirements while still in undergraduate standing. Depending on how quickly a student progresses through the undergraduate program, the additional graduate year may come sooner than the fifth year at Berkeley. The Five-Year Program is not intended for those who wish to pursue a PhD. For further information regarding this program, please see the Five-Year BS/MS tab on this page or the Department's website.

Minor Program

The EECS minor, offered through the College of Engineering, is an optional program for students interested in a coherent  program of EECS coursework outside their major. It is open to any undergraduate who has declared a major other than EECS and has completed four of the course requirements. For further information regarding the requirements and declaration process, please see the Minor Requirements tab.

The EECS Department also offers minors in Computer Science and Electronic Intelligent Systems. For information about these programs, please see the Computer Science or the Electronic Intelligent Systems pages in this Guide.

Joint Majors

The EECS Department also offers two joint majors with other departments in the College of Engineering. For further information on these programs, please click the links below:
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences/Materials Science and Engineering (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences/Nuclear Engineering (Department of Nuclear Engineering)

Visit Department Website

Major Requirements (BS)

In addition to the University, campus, and college requirements, students must fulfill the below requirements specific to their major program.

General Guidelines

  1. All technical courses taken in satisfaction of major requirements must be taken for a letter grade.

  2. No more than one upper division course may be used to simultaneously fulfill requirements for a student’s major and minor programs.

  3. A minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for all work undertaken at UC Berkeley.

  4. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all technical courses taken in satisfaction of major requirements.

For information regarding residence requirements and unit requirements, please see the College  of Engineering Requirements tab.

For a detailed plan of study by year and semester, please see the Plan of Study tab.

Summary of Major Requirements

For more detailed curriculum options for the EECS major, please see the EECS Department website or the College of Engineering site

Natural sciences: three courses
Mathematics: four courses
EECS lower division core: five courses
Upper division EECS electives: 20 units minimum 7
Technical Elective: 4 units minimum 2
Ethics requirement: one course
Technical engineering courses: 40 units minimum
Courses taken to satisfy the EECS lower division core and EECS upper division electives count toward this 40 units.
If courses in these two categories do not total at least 40 units, additional letter-graded engineering courses must be taken to fulfill this requirement. 8

Natural Sciences

Physics for Scientists and Engineers
and Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3
Introductory Mechanics and Relativity
and Introductory Electromagnetism, Waves, and Optics
and Introduction to Experimental Physics I
Natural Science Elective - Select one course from the following: 13-5
ASTRON 7AIntroduction to Astrophysics4
ASTRON 7BIntroduction to Astrophysics4
ASTRON 7ABIntroduction to Astrophysics: From Planets to Cosmology4
General Biology Lecture
and General Biology Laboratory
BIOLOGY 1BGeneral Biology Lecture and Laboratory4
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry4
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 4AGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis 45
CHEM 4BGeneral Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis 45
Introduction to Human Physiology
and Introduction to Human Physiology Laboratory
Introductory Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics
and Introduction to Experimental Physics II
PHYSICS 7CPhysics for Scientists and Engineers4
Any upper division letter graded course of 3 units or more in astronomy, chemistry, earth and planetary science, integrative biology, molecular & cell biology, physics, or plant & microbial biology 1


MATH 51/1ACalculus I (MATH 51 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 52/1BCalculus II (MATH 52 as of Fall 2025)4
MATH 53Multivariable Calculus4
COMPSCI 70Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory4

EECS Lower Division Core

EECS 16AFoundations of Signals, Dynamical Systems, and Information Processing4
EECS 16BIntroduction to Circuits & Devices4
COMPSCI 61AThe Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs4
COMPSCI 61BData Structures4
or COMPSCI 61BL Data Structures and Programming Methodology
COMPSCI 61CGreat Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)4
or COMPSCI 61CL Course Not Available

Upper Division EECS Electives

Select a minimum of 20 units of upper division EECS courses. 720
At least one of the courses must be a design elective. Select from the following design courses:
Feedback Control Systems [4]
Integrated-Circuit Devices [4]
Linear Integrated Circuits [4]
Microfabrication Technology [4]
Mechatronic Design Laboratory [4]
User Interface Design and Development [4]
Computer Security [4] 6
Operating Systems and System Programming [4]
Programming Languages and Compilers [4]
Course Not Available [0-4]
Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Engineering Team Project
Course Not Available
Course Not Available
Foundations of Computer Graphics [4]
Introduction to Database Systems [4]
Course Not Available
Special Topics [4] (Section 26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography)
Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control [3]
Introduction to Robotics [4]
Robotic Manipulation and Interaction [4]
Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems [4]
Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits
and Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits
and Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory

Technical Elective: 4 units2

Ethics Requirement

Select one course from the following:1-4
BIO ENG 100Ethics in Science and Engineering 53
COMPSCI 195Social Implications of Computer Technology1
COMPSCI H195Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology3
DATA C104Human Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS 54
ENE,RES C100Energy and Society 54
ENGIN 125Ethics, Engineering, and Society 53
ENGIN 157ACEngineering, The Environment, and Society 54
ENGIN 185The Art of STEM Communication 53
HISTORY C184DHuman Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS 54
IAS 157ACEngineering, The Environment, and Society 54
ISF 100DIntroduction to Technology, Society, and Culture 54
ISF 100GIntroduction to Science, Society, and Ethics 54
MEDIAST 104DPrivacy in the Digital Age 53
NWMEDIA 151ACTransforming Tech: Issues and Interventions in STEM and Silicon Valley 54
PUB POL C184Energy and Society 54
STS C104DHuman Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS 54
UGBA 107The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business 53

The following courses cannot fulfill the Natural Science requirements: CHEM 100, CHEM 149, CHEM 192, EPS C100, INTEGBI C105, INTEGBI 101, INTEGBI 191, PHYSICS 100.


Students must complete 4 units of Technical Elective(s) chosen from any lower or upper division course in the following departments: astronomy, chemistry, data science, earth and planetary science, integrative biology, mathematics, molecular cell biology, physics, plant & microbial biology, statistics or any engineering department (including EECS). The 4 units of technical elective(s) must be in addition to the natural science elective and the 20 units of required EECS upper division technical electives.  If the 4 units of technical elective(s) are from an engineering department, the units can count toward the required 40 units of engineering coursework (see footnote 5). The 4 units of Technical Elective(s) cannot include: any course taken on a P/NP basis; any course that only counts as H/SS; courses numbered 24, 32 (except MCELLBI 32 and MCELLBI 32L), 39, 84, H194, 196, H196, H196A, H196B; BIOENG 100; CHEM 100, 149, 192; COMPSCI 10 (if taken after COMPSCI 61x), C79; DATA C104; DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 22, 23, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; EPS C100; INDENG 95, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; INTEGBI 35AC, 88, 101, C105, 191; MATH 55, C103, 151, 152, 153, 160; MECENG 190K, 191K; PHYSICS 100.


Students may choose to take the Physics 7 series or the Physics 5 series. Students who fulfill PHYSICS 7A with an AP exam score, transfer work, or at Berkeley may complete the physics requirement by taking either PHYSICS 7B, or PHYSICS 5B and PHYSICS 5BL. Students who take PHYSICS 5A must take PHYSICS 5B and PHYSICS 5BLto complete the physics requirement. Completion of PHYSICS 5A and PHYSICS 7B will not fulfill the physics requirement.


CHEM 4A and CHEM 4B are intended for students majoring in chemistry or a closely-related field.


These courses also satisfy one upper division humanities/social sciences course.


COMPSCI 161 can fulfill the Design requirement if taken Spring 2019 or later.


In addition to upper division EECS courses, the following courses can count toward the 20 units of upper division EECS: INFO 159, INFO 213COMPSCI 270, COMPSCI C280, COMPSCI 285, COMPSCI 288,  EL ENG 229A, COMPSCI 294-84 (Interactive Device Design), COMPSCI 294-129 (Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks). Note that no more than two graduate level courses (courses numbered 200-294) can be used to fulfill requirements for your B.S. degree. The 20 units of upper division EECS courses cannot include any course taken on a P/NP basis, COMPSCI H196A, COMPSCI H196B, ELENG H196A, or ELENG H196B.


The 40 units of engineering courses cannot include: any course taken on a P/NP basis; courses numbered 24, 32, 39, 84, H194, H196; BIOENG 100; COMPSCI 70, C79; DATA C104, DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 22, 23, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; INDENG 95, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 190K, 191K.

Five-Year BS/MS

The Five-Year Bachelor/Master Program, called the 5th Year MS Program for short, offers qualified Berkeley EECS and L&S Computer Science undergraduate students a unique opportunity to begin graduate study immediately after graduation, thereby accelerating the master's degree by requiring only one additional year beyond the bachelor's degree. This is not a concurrent degree program. Students earn their bachelor's degree first and then the master's. However, careful planning during the undergraduate program allows motivated students to begin a research project and complete some master's course requirements while still in undergraduate standing. Depending on how quickly a student progresses through the undergraduate program, the additional graduate year may come sooner than the fifth year at Berkeley.  For further information regarding this program, please see the Department's website.

This program is intended for those students who would like to pursue an education beyond the BS/BA, allowing them to achieve greater breadth and depth of knowledge, and  furthering the level of research they may have begun as undergraduates. It is not intended for students who have definitely decided to pursue a PhD immediately following graduation. Those students are advised to apply for a PhD program at Berkeley or elsewhere during their senior year. Students who enter the 5th Year MS and then decide that they would like to continue on for a PhD will need to submit applications for the PhD program at Berkeley or at other universities. Their admission to the Berkeley PhD program in EECS or CS would be competitive with all other PhD applicants.

The Fifth Year MS program is focused on interdisciplinary training at a graduate level, with at least eight units of course work outside EECS required. Students will emerge as leaders in their technical and professional fields.

  • Program is focused on interdisciplinary study and more experience in aligned technical fields such as physics, materials science, statistics, biology, etc., and/or professional disciplines such as management of technology, business, law and public policy.
  • If admitted to the program, students must begin their graduate program in the Fall semester immediately following the conferral of the bachelor's degree.
  • Only one additional year (two semesters) is permitted beyond the bachelor's degree.
  • Only available to Berkeley EECS and CDSS Computer Science undergraduates.
  • Participants in program may serve as Graduate Student Instructors with approval from their faculty research advisor and the 5th Year MS Committee.
  • Participants in the program should plan to provide their own financial support.

Minor Requirements

Minor programs are areas of concentration requiring fewer courses than an undergraduate major. These programs are optional but can provide depth and breadth to a UC Berkeley education. Colleges typically do not offer additional time to complete a minor, but it is usually possible to finish within the allotted time with careful course planning. Students are encouraged to meet with their adviser to discuss the feasibility of completing a minor program.

Students do not need to be in the College of Engineering to pursue the EECS minor. 

General Guidelines

  1. ​All minors must be declared no later than one semester before a student's Expected Graduation Term (EGT). If the semester before EGT is fall or spring, the deadline is the last day of RRR week. If the semester before EGT is summer, the deadline is the final Friday of Summer Sessions. To declare a minor, contact the department advisor for information on requirements, and the declaration process.

  2. All courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements must be completed with a letter grade.

  3. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required to apply for the minor.  

  4. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for courses used to fulfill the minor requirements.

  5. Completion of the minor program cannot delay a student’s graduation.

  6. No more than one upper division course may be used to simultaneously fulfill requirements for a student’s major and minor programs.

  7. L&S Computer Science and Data Science majors may not pursue the EECS minor due to the redundancy in curriculum

  8. Student must submit the Minor Declaration Form once they have four or more of the minor requirements completed.
  9. All students must submit the EECS Minor Completion Form, signed by their Major or ESS Advisor, during their final semester.


Lower division
EECS 16AFoundations of Signals, Dynamical Systems, and Information Processing4
EECS 16BIntroduction to Circuits & Devices4
COMPSCI 61AThe Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 24
or ENGIN 7 Introduction to Computer Programming and Numerical Methods
Select one from the following:
COMPSCI 61BData Structures4
COMPSCI 61BLData Structures and Programming Methodology4
COMPSCI 61CGreat Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)4
COMPSCI 61CLCourse Not Available4
Upper division
Select three upper division EE,CS, or EECS courses, for a total of 9 units minimum 1 2

EL ENG 100​, 195, H196, 197, 198, of 199, and COMPSCI 195, H196, 197, 198, or 199 may not be used to fulfill this requirement. If you are unsure, please check with the EECS Minor Advisor.


Info 159 and STAT/DATA/CS C100 are the only non CS/EE/EECS titled classes that may be used to fulfill this requirement.

College Requirements

Students in the College of Engineering must complete no fewer than 120 semester units with the following provisions: 

  1. Completion of the requirements of one engineering major program of study. 
  2. A minimum overall grade point average of 2.00 (C average) and a minimum 2.00 grade point average in upper division technical coursework required of the major.
  3. The final 30 units and two semesters must be completed in residence in the College of Engineering on the Berkeley campus.
  4. All technical courses (math, science, and engineering) that can fulfill requirements for the student's major must be taken on a letter graded basis (unless they are only offered P/NP). 
  5. Entering freshmen are allowed a maximum of eight semesters to complete their degree requirements. Entering junior transfers are allowed five semesters to complete their degree requirements. Summer terms are optional and do not count toward the maximum. Students are responsible for planning and satisfactorily completing all graduation requirements within the maximum allowable semesters. 
  6. Adhere to all college policies and procedures as they complete degree requirements.
  7. Complete lower division technical courses before enrolling in upper division technical courses. 

Humanities and Social Sciences (H/SS) Requirement

To promote a rich and varied educational experience outside of the technical requirements for each major, the College of Engineering has a six-course Humanities and Social Sciences breadth requirement, which must be completed to graduate. This requirement, built into all the engineering programs of study, includes two Reading and Composition courses (R&C), and four additional courses within which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. See the humanities and social sciences section of our website for details.

Class Schedule Requirements

  • Minimum units per semester: 12.0
  • Maximum units per semester:  20.5
  • Minimum technical courses: College of Engineering undergraduates must include at least two letter graded technical courses (of at least 3 units each) in their semester program. Every semester students are expected to make normal progress in their declared major. Normal progress is determined by the student's Engineering Student Services Advisor. (Note: For most majors, normal progress will require enrolling in 3-4 technical courses required of your current major each semester.) Students who are not in compliance with this policy by the end of the fifth week of the semester are subject to a registration block that will delay enrollment for the following semester. 
  • All technical courses (math, science, engineering) that satisfy requirements for the major must be taken on a letter-graded basis (unless only offered as P/NP).

Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Students must have a minimum overall and semester grade point average of 2.00 (C average). Students will be subject to suspension or dismissal from the University if during any fall or spring semester their overall UC GPA falls below a 2.00, or their semester GPA is less than 2.00. 
  • Students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00 (C average) in upper division technical courses required for the major curriculum each semester.
  • A minimum overall grade point average of 2.00 and a minimum 2.00 grade point average in upper division technical course work required for the major are required to earn a Bachelor of Science in the College of Engineering.
  • Students must make normal degree progress toward the Bachelor of Science degree and their officially declared major.

Unit Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, students must complete at least 120 semester units of courses subject to certain guidelines:

  • Completion of the requirements of one engineering major program of study. 
  • A maximum of 16 units of special studies coursework (courses numbered 97, 98, 99, 197, 198, or 199) is allowed to count towards the B.S. degree, and no more than 4 units in any single term can be counted.
  • A maximum of 4 units of physical education from any school attended will count towards the 120 units.
  • Passed (P) grades may account for no more than one third of the total units completed at UC Berkeley, Fall Program for First Semester (FPF), UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), or UC Berkeley Washington Program (UCDC) toward the 120 overall minimum unit requirement. Transfer credit is not factored into the limit. This includes transfer units from outside of the UC system, other UC campuses, credit-bearing exams, as well as UC Berkeley Extension XB units.

Normal Progress

Students in the College of Engineering must enroll in a full-time program and make normal progress each semester toward their declared major.  Students who fail to achieve normal academic progress shall be subject to suspension or dismissal. (Note: Students with official accommodations established by the Disabled Students' Program, with health or family issues, or with other reasons deemed appropriate by the dean may petition for an exception to normal progress rules.)

UC and Campus Requirements

University of California Requirements

Entry Level Writing

All students who will enter the University of California as freshmen must demonstrate their command of the English language by satisfying the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR). The UC Entry Level Writing Requirement website provides information on how to satisfy the requirement.

American History and American Institutions

The American History and Institutions (AH&I) requirements are based on the principle that a US resident graduated from an American university should have an understanding of the history and governmental institutions of the United States.

Campus Requirement

American Cultures

The American Cultures requirement is a Berkeley campus requirement, one that all undergraduate students at Berkeley need to pass in order to graduate. You satisfy the requirement by passing, with a grade not lower than C- or P, an American Cultures course. You may take an American Cultures course any time during your undergraduate career at Berkeley. The requirement was instituted in 1991 to introduce students to the diverse cultures of the United States through a comparative framework. Courses are offered in more than fifty departments in many different disciplines at both the lower and upper division level.


Plan of Study

For more detailed information regarding the courses listed below (e.g., elective information, GPA requirements, etc.), please see the Major Requirements tab.

Natural Science Elective13-5EECS 16A4
Reading and Composition Part A74Reading and Composition Part B74
 15-17 16
MATH 534PHYSICS 7B or 5B and 5BL24-5
Humanities/Social Sciences course73-4Humanities/Social Sciences course73-4
 14-16 15-17
2 EECS Upper Division Electives382 EECS Upper Division Electives38
Technical Elective44Humanities/Social Sciences course73-4
Humanities/Social Sciences course73-4Ethics/Social Implications of Technology51-4
 15-16 12-16
EECS Upper Division Elective34Free Electives617
Free Electives612 
 16 17
Total Units: 120-131

Alternative and Accelerated Program Plans

Program plans are available from the EECS Department for students with various backgrounds (including junior transfer students) and for those considering graduating in less than four years. All program plans are provided as a sample, and we encourage you to devise your own program with the help of an Adviser. Additional Program Plans.


Students must complete one course from the following list: ASTRON 7AASTRON 7B, ASTRON 7AB; BIOLOGY 1A and BIOLOGY 1AL (must take both), BIOLOGY 1B; CHEM 1A and CHEM 1AL (must take both), CHEM 1B, CHEM 3A and CHEM 3AL (must take both), CHEM 3B and CHEM 3BL (must take both), CHEM 4ACHEM 4B; MCELLBI 32 and MCELLBI 32L (must take both); PHYSICS 7C, PHYSICS 5C and PHYSICS 5CL (must take both); or an upper division course of 3 units or more in astronomy, chemistry (except 100, 149, 192), earth and planetary science (except C100), integrative biology (except 101, C105, 191), molecular cell biology, physics (except 100), or plant & microbial biology. This requirement is listed in the freshman year curriculum, but many of the options would not be appropriate for a first year student. Complete this requirement in the semester when it is most appropriate to do so (i.e., take PHYSICS 7C after completing PHYSICS 7B). Your ESS or Faculty Adviser can help guide your selection for this requirement.


Students may choose to take the Physics 7 series or the Physics 5 series. Students who fulfill PHYSICS 7A with an AP exam score, transfer work, or at Berkeley may complete the physics requirement by taking either PHYSICS 7B, or PHYSICS 5B and PHYSICS 5BL. Students who take PHYSICS 5A must take PHYSICS 5B and PHYSICS 5BL to complete the physics requirement. Completion of PHYSICS 5A and PHYSICS 7B will not fulfill the physics requirement.


Students must complete a minimum of 20 units of upper division EECS courses. One course must provide a major design experience, and be selected from the following list: EL ENG C128, EL ENG 130, EL ENG 140, EL ENG 143, EL ENG 192, COMPSCI 160, COMPSCI 161(if taken Spring 2019 or later), COMPSCI 162, COMPSCI 164, COMPSCI 169 (or COMPSCI 169ACOMPSCI 169LCOMPSCI W169A), COMPSCI 182COMPSCI 184, COMPSCI 186 (or COMPSCI W186), COMPSCI 194-26 (Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography), COMPSCI 285EECS C106A, EECS C106BEECS 149, EECS 151 and EECS 151LA (must take both), EECS 151 and EECS 151LB (must take both). In addition to upper division EECS courses, the following courses can count toward the 20 units of upper division EECS: INFO 159, INFO 213COMPSCI 270, COMPSCI C280, COMPSCI 288, COMPSCI 294-84 (Interactive Device Design), COMPSCI 294-129 (Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks), and EL ENG 229A. Note that no more than two graduate level courses (courses numbered 200-294) can be used to fulfill requirements for your B.S. degree. The 20 units of upper division EECS courses cannot include any course taken on a P/NP basis, COMPSCI H196A, COMPSCI H196B, ELENG H196A, or ELENG H196B.


Students must complete 4 units of Technical Elective(s) chosen from any lower or upper division course in the following departments: astronomy, chemistry, data science, earth and planetary science, integrative biology, mathematics, molecular cell biology, physics, plant & microbial biology, statistics or any engineering department (including EECS). The 4 units of technical elective(s) must be in addition to the natural science elective and the 20 units of required EECS upper division technical electives. If the 4 units of technical elective(s) are from an engineering department, the units can count toward the required 40 units of engineering coursework (see footnote 5). The 4 units of Technical Elective(s) cannot include: any course taken on a P/NP basis; any course that counts as H/SS; courses numbered 24, 32 (except MCELLBI 32 and MCELLBI 32L), 39, 84, H194, 196, H196, H196A, H196B; BIOENG 100; CHEM 100, 149, 192; COMPSCI 10 (if taken after COMPSCI 61x), C79; DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 22, 23, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; EPS C100; INDENG 95, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; INTEGBI 35AC, 88, 101, C105, 191; MATH 55, C103, 151, 152, 153, 160; MECENG 190K, 191K; PHYSICS 100.


Students must complete one course about engineering ethics or social implications of technology. This may be fulfilled by completing one of the following courses: BIO ENG 100*, COMPSCI 195COMPSCI H195, DATA C104,  ENE,RES C100*, ENGIN 125*, ENGIN 157AC*, ENGIN 185*, HISTORY C184D*, IAS 157AC*,  ISF 100D*, ISF 100G*,  MEDIAST 104D*, NWMEDIA 151AC*, PUB POL C184*, STS C104D*, UGBA 107*. Courses marked with an asterisk fulfill both a humanities/social science requirement and the EECS ethics/social implication of technology requirement.


Students must complete a minimum of 40 units of engineering courses. Included in these units are COMPSCI 61A, 61B, 61C, EECS 16A, 16B, and the required 20 units of upper division EECS. The 40 units of engineering courses cannot include: any course taken on a P/NP basis; courses numbered 24, 32, 39, 84, H194, 196, H196, H196A, H196B; BIOENG 100; COMPSCI 70, C79; DATA C104; DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 22, 23, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; INDENG 95, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 190K, 191K.


The Humanities/Social Sciences (H/SS) requirement includes two approved Reading & Composition (R&C) courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. R&C courses must be taken for a letter grade (C- or better required). The first half (R&C Part A) must be completed by the end of the freshman year; the second half (R&C Part B) must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See engineering.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.

Student Learning Goals


  1. Preparing graduates to pursue postgraduate education in electrical engineering, computer science, or related fields.
  2. Preparing graduates for success in technical careers related to electrical and computer engineering, or computer science and engineering.
  3. Preparing graduates to become leaders in fields related to electrical and computer engineering or computer science and engineering.

Learning Goals for the Major 


  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
  2. An ability to configure, apply test conditions, and evaluate outcomes of experimental systems.
  3. An ability to design systems, components, or processes that conform to given specifications and cost constraints.
  4. An ability to work cooperatively, respectfully, creatively, and responsibly as a member of a team.
  5. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  6. An understanding of the norms of expected behavior in engineering practice and their underlying ethical foundations.
  7. An ability to communicate effectively by oral, written, and graphical means.
  8. An awareness of global and societal concerns and their importance in developing engineering solutions.
  9. An ability to independently acquire and apply required information, and an appreciation of the associated process of life-long learning.
  10. A knowledge of contemporary issues.
  11. An in-depth ability to use a combination of software, instrumentation, and experimental techniques practiced in circuits, physical electronics, communication, networks and systems, hardware, programming, and computer science theory.


  1. An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the program’s student outcomes and to the discipline.
  2. An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
  3. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
  4. An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
  5. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
  6. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  7. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
  8. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development.
  9.  An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

Major Map

Major maps are experience maps that help undergraduates plan their Berkeley journey based on intended major or field of interest. Featuring student opportunities and resources from your college and department as well as across campus, each map includes curated suggestions for planning your studies, engaging outside the classroom, and pursuing your career goals in a timeline format.

Use the major map below to explore potential paths and design your own unique undergraduate experience:

View the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Major Map.


Select a subject to view courses

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Computer Science

Electrical Engineering

Contact Information

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

253 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-3214

Fax: 510-643-7846

Visit Department Website

EECS Department Chair

Claire Tomlin, PhD

231 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-0253


EE Division Chair

Clark Nguyen, PhD

574 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-6251


Executive Director, Center for Student Affairs

Susanne Kauer

221 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-642-3694


Director of Student Diversity

Audrey Sillers

203 Cory Hall

Phone: 510-664-7181


Director of Undergraduate Affairs

Antoine Davis

377 Soda Hall

Phone: 510-642-7214


Assistant Director of Undergraduate Affairs

Lydia Raya

349 Soda Hall

Phone: 510-664-4436


Undergraduate Advisor

Gina Garcia

205 Cory Hall


Undergraduate Advisor & EE Scheduler

Kait Guthrie

205 Cory Hall

ee-scheduling@eecs.berkeley.edu and eecs-advising@berkeley.edu

Undergraduate Advisor

Grayson Johnston

205 Cory Hall


CS Scheduler

Cindy Conners

379 Soda Hall

Phone: 510-643-6002


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